
Consultation on proposed expansion at Cottam Primary School

Posted on - 30th March, 2023 - 12:00pm | Author - | Posted in - Cottam, Education, Politics, Preston News, Schools
Students in a classroom
A six-week consultation on a proposed expansion at Cottam Primary School has launched

A six-week consultation on a proposed expansion at Cottam Primary School has launched.

The expansion would see the school admitting 30 additional pupils to each reception year with effect from September 2024. Over time, Cottam Primary would provide an additional 210 school places.

Lancashire County Council says the additional places are needed to accommodate rising pupil numbers in in the area due to new housing and an increase in the birth rate.

The expansion would be delivered through internal modification of existing accommodation and the provision of new accommodation on the school site.

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Julie Bell, Lancashire County Council’s Director of education, culture and skills, said: “The county council is responsible for making sure that we have enough high-quality school places available to meet demand.

“School expansions are considered carefully against consistent criteria, such as how the expansion will support improved outcomes for children and young people, particularly the most vulnerable.

“We are confident that Cottam Primary School meets these criteria, and I would encourage people to take part in this consultation and share their views about the proposal.”

Lancashire County Council is running the consultation until 5pm on Sunday 7 May.

The responses submitted during the consultation period will be considered by the county council’s cabinet when coming to a decision on the proposals.

For further information about the proposals visit the Lancashire County Council website and click on School Place Provision Planning.

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