
Community pantry opens in Brookfield

Posted on - 15th March, 2023 - 12:00pm | Author - | Posted in - Brookfield, Charities, Preston News, Ribbleton
The Mayor of Preston Councillor Neil Darby, left, cuts the ribbon to open the community Pantry as Pete Tomkinson, right, from Ribbleton Parish and supporters look on
The Mayor of Preston Councillor Neil Darby, left, cuts the ribbon to open the community Pantry as Pete Tomkinson, right, from Ribbleton Parish and supporters look on

A community pantry has opened in Brookfield.

The pantry initiative by Ribbleton Parish, based at the Community Centre at 450 Watling Street Road, was opened by the Mayor of Preston, Councillor Neil Darby, last month.  

As well as the Mayor, partners from the council, local housing and schools were on hand to support the launch at the parish, with the new Vicar, Rev. Linda Tomkinson and her husband Pete, a Church Army Evangelist.

The pantry is scheduled to be open every Tuesday morning from 10am to 12pm, creating a community drop-in space providing support.

Read more: The Salvation Army offering warm welcome in Preston

Fresh and tinned food supplies will be available for those in need, with a referral voucher required which can be obtained at the Centre from the church clergy team, or from local school headteachers and local councillors.

The church is asking for an administration donation of £3 per visit for which people receive at least £20 of food, as well as free giveaways, alongside the use of a play area for children.  

Rev. Linda Tomkinson and Pete Tomkinson, Church Army Evangelist, front left and centre, with the Mayor of Preston Councillor Neil Darby, back second from right; Mayor’s Consort Dan Leung, fourth from right and other supporters of the Community Pantry after the opening event
Rev. Linda Tomkinson and Pete Tomkinson, Church Army Evangelist, front left and centre, with the Mayor of Preston Councillor Neil Darby, back second from right; Mayor’s Consort Dan Leung, fourth from right and other supporters of the Community Pantry after the opening event

Pete Tomkinson said: “As well as welcoming the Mayor to perform the opening it was great to have support there from councillors and local housing and school engagement officers, as we all work together to provide a joined-up approach to supporting the needs of our community.”

Speaking about the Community Pantry the Bishop of Blackburn-designate, Rt Rev. Philip North, said: “Even people who may have struggled to get by in the past but somehow still managed to pay their bills, now find themselves facing genuine hardship of a kind not seen for many generations. 

“So, in common with Ribbleton, faithful parishes across the County are living out Jesus’ message of hope in their positive responses and actions at this time to help their local communities.” 

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