An event at Royal Preston Hospital will offer the chance to save lives by registering as a blood donor.
The NHS Blood and Transplant Service will be on site on Thursday 26 January.
The drop-in event will be located by the main lifts on the ground floor, between 10.30am and 2.30pm.
A spokesperson for the NHS Blood and Transplant Service said: “People can drop by to register as a blood donor, and it may also be possible to find out your likely blood type, for those who don’t know.
“The more donors, the better – between October and November, NHS Blood and Transplant confirmed an Amber Alert, which saw hospitals needing to restrict the amount of blood they used.
“The alert meant hospitals had to plan to protect blood stocks and ensure blood was prioritised for patients who needed it most, meaning elective surgery was postponed and it was not always possible to book patients in for routine surgery that was likely to require a transfusion.”
Read more: Royal Preston Hospital urges patients to ‘think twice’ before visiting A&E
While stocks of some blood types are improving, nearly 400 new donors a day are required to meet demand.
Donors from all communities and ethnic backgrounds are essential to meet the needs of all patients in England now and in the years to come.
For more information, visit the Give Blood website or call 0300 123 2323.
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