A new exhibition honouring Dom Phillips and Bruno Pereira and others risking their lives protecting the rainforests is set to open at Preston Climate Emergency Centre.
For Dom, Bruno and the Amazon was put together by Alison Cahn, Domonique Davies and Rhiannon Davies, with the support of academics, journalists and filmmakers, activists and campaigning organisations from around the world. It honours British journalist Dom Phillips and Brazilian indigenist Bruno Pereira who were murdered during a boat trip through the Vale do Javari, the second-largest indigenous area in Brazil.
The exhibition also honours others who have lost their lives to this cause, and demonstrates aspects of the destruction of the rainforest, but also points to hopeful solutions and offers next steps and ways you can get involved and support positive change.
Exhibition co-ordinator Fiona Frank, from Halton Mill in Lancaster, will give a talk on Saturday 14 January at 4pm about why the exhibition was put together.
For Dom, Bruno and the Amazon will take place at the Climate Emergency Centre in Market Place from Saturday 14 January to Monday 23 January. Opening times are Saturday, Tuesday and Friday from 10am to 6pm.
Preston Climate Emergency Centre is open at the same times as a warm space for anyone who is struggling to keep warm. The centre offers somewhere to sit, chat and get a free hot drink and light refreshments.
For more information email prestoncec@gmail.com.
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