
Affordable housing plans for former Ribbleton social club site

Posted on - 3rd January, 2023 - 7:00am | Author - | Posted in - Housing, Preston Council, Preston News, Redevelopment, Ribbleton
Blessed Sacrament social club demolition Pic: Chris Norris
Blessed Sacrament social club demolition Pic: Chris Norris

Plans have been submitted to bring new affordable homes on land at the Former Blessed Sacrament Social Club Site in Ribbleton.

The proposals are to build eight two-bedroom houses in semi-detached format for the Community Gateway Association.

The proposed development taking in 0.162 hectares is located in a predominantly residential area in Moorside Avenue.

To the north stands the Blessed Sacrament Church and to the rear is the Blessed Sacrament School.

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The proposed street scene to Moorside Avenue
The proposed street scene to Moorside Avenue

The former social club had been unused for several years, which led to its disrepair and regular vandalism.

It was demolished in August 2022 after the Council deemed the structure ‘unsafe’ and a ‘potential danger to life’.

The houses would be set back from the highway, with low boundary walls, lawned gardens, off-road parking and planting.

A minimum of two off-road parking spaces will also be provided per house.

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The main private gardens, additional parking area and bin storage will be provided to the rear of the properties to have limited impact on the street scene.

In terms of appearance, the properties would be built using red or orange facing brickwork and grey roof tiles to reflect its surroundings.

Pedestrian and vehicle access will be provided via individual accesses from Moorside Avenue.

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Aerial image showing site location in relationship to City Centre
Aerial image showing site location in relationship to City Centre

The planning statement prepared by MacMarshalls Rural Chartered Surveyors and Planning Consultants, on behalf of On Track Construction Ltd said:

“The development will bring forward 100 per cent affordable housing provision on the site, and will therefore significantly boost not only the supply of housing, but also affordable housing provision in the area.

“The development would integrate comfortably into the street scene, and improve the overall appearance of the site as it exists now, and as it was before.”

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