
Preston McDonald’s restaurants raise over £15,000 for local charities

Posted on - 24th December, 2022 - 12:01pm | Author - | Posted in - Ashton-on-Ribble, Business, Charities, Preston City Centre, Preston News, Proud Preston, Riversway
Presenting Age Concern Central Lancashire with a cheque for £12k
Presenting Age Concern Central Lancashire with a cheque for £12k

Preston Friargate and Riversway McDonald’s restaurants have taken part in fundraising events for The Foxton Centre and Age Concern Central Lancashire to support Preston’s most vulnerable this Christmas.

In total 17 McDonald’s restaurants across Preston, Blackpool, Leyland, Fleetwood, Chorley, Fulwood and Lytham hosted multiple fundraising events including hamper giveaways, fun days, raffles, colouring competitions for children and McDelivery giveaways.

Some of the restaurants have also had boxes and trolleys set up in the restaurants where local customers can drop gifts and essentials in including toys, bedding, clothing, toiletries and food.

As a result of their efforts, a cheque of £3,002.50 was delivered to the Foxton Centre this week.

They also presented a cheque for £12,031 to Age Concern Central Lancashire.

Read more: New day centre opens for homeless people in Preston

Local franchisee, Nigel Dunnington, who owns and operates the 17 McDonald’s restaurants, said: “We all appreciate the amazing work The Foxton Centre has done over the past 50 years across the Avenham district. I’m amazed by the volunteers their hard work and what they achieve.

“We also wanted to do our bit in time for Christmas to ensure the most vulnerable also have a memorable Christmas season.

“I’d like to thank the restaurant teams for their help organising the fundraising events as well as our generous customers who donated.”

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