A report for the completion of repairs to the 1875 Covered Market and the 1924 Fish Market is up for discussion next week.
In a meeting to be held before the Planning Committee on Wednesday 14 December, cabinet approval is sought to continue with outstanding repairs to the canopies of the two open market structures.
In early 2015 Frank Whittle Partnership were commissioned by Preston City Council to work on this scheme.
The repair works were commissioned and partially implemented in 2016. These included:
Read more: New canopy trialled in bid to improve conditions in Preston Market Hall
However in September 2015, Cabinet also approved the construction of the New Market Hall, beneath the canopy of the 1875 Covered Market, and the development of the Box Market, beneath the 1924 Fish Market canopy.
Read more: New market canopy set for installation to give traders a warmer winter
In order for the new construction to continue to programme, a decision was taken to delay the repair works to both canopies, to avoid any conflict between different contractors working on each scheme.
The outstanding works to the markets are the gutter repairs and the repair to a number of corroded column bases.
The intention was to complete the canopy repair works on completion of the ‘new-build’ contract.
Read more: Worden Park and hall next stage plans released
This did not happen as the contractors undertaking the original canopy repair works went into liquidation while things were on pause.
Shortly the Covid-19 pandemic followed causing further delays.
Due to delays, the council has established that the previously approved funding, originally intended for the completion of the canopy repairs, remains within the Capital programme.
Financial implications have arose due to the timescale of this scheme, £201,000 was previously allocated for the planned works but due to delays the costs may now be in excess.
In the meeting next week, Cabinet is requested to delegate authority to the Director of Environment and Property to award the contract within the estimated budget outlined in this report.
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