
Cottam Brickworks plan re-submitted in a bid to open leisure space on time

Posted on - 1st November, 2022 - 7:00am | Author - | Posted in - Cottam, Ingol, Preston Council, Preston News, Redevelopment
A sketch of the planned Aldi supermarket

A long-running development proposal at the former Cottam Hall Brickworks site has been resubmitted to Preston City Council.

On Friday 8 April, the applicant BXB Cottam Properties, was granted hybrid planning permission to open a retail and leisure development space.

BXB Cottam Properties now seeks for the removal of condition 30 from the original planning permission.

As not doing so would create a delay in opening the space due to highway improvement works, and turn it into a direct financial contribution towards off-site provision which the applicant can’t afford.

Read more: Green light for Cottam Brickworks plan despite no payment for affordable housing or education

Preston City Council says the condition is important as the highway improvement works to the Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC) are required to make the development acceptable.

In a letter, Preston City Council Development Management Team Leader, Phil Cousins, said: “The condition requires the highway improvement works to be agreed in writing, be undertaken and completed prior to the first occupation of the development approved under the outline planning permission.

“This is necessary because should the commercial development open for trading without an access to the site from Tom Benson Way, it would result in all vehicular traffic accessing the site from Cottam Avenue.

“This arrangement would be unacceptable and would result in severe impacts upon the highway network.”

You can view the full proposals on the Preston City Council Website.

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