
Creativity Works Preston secures £45k in National Lottery funding

Posted on - 19th October, 2022 - 7:00pm | Author - | Posted in - Arts & Culture, Charities, History, Preston News, Proud Preston
Creativity Works Preston has celebrated after securing a significant grant. Pic: Creativity Works Preston

The National Lottery Heritage Fund has awarded £45,474 to Creativity Works Preston for a ‘reminiscence’ project known as ‘Musical Express’.

The project will involve a core group of young people aged 14 to 25, who will develop a publicly accessible digital archive of the oral histories and personal photographs of Preston people aged 50+, specifically those experiencing Dementia.

Working in partnership with Age Concern Central Lancashire, the young people will organise and deliver music performances within support centres, singing songs from the past to rekindle memories of the era, the clothes they wore, the music they listened to, and the places they visited.

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Lauren Gutteridge, the centre manager at CWP, said: “We are thrilled to have received this funding thanks to National Lottery players. We are confident the project will support young people to be active citizens with pride in their local heritage.

“It will also give CWP the opportunity to reach out to the wider community and create a strong partnership with Age Concern Central Lancashire.”

Exchanges between generations will be captured on film and through photographs, culminating in a 30-minute documentary and a book.

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Creativity Works Preston (CWP) is a registered charity that meets the needs of young people who are not in employment, education or training. CWP provides a supportive and nurturing environment for young people to continue their education and acquire the necessary skills in readiness for secure, sustained and gainful employment.

Trainees work in purpose-designed settings, such as a hair and beauty salon, a music recording studio, a film and editing suite or an art and design room.

David Renwick, the northern director of The National Lottery Heritage Fund, added: “We are delighted to be
supporting CWP in recording and sharing these important musical memories, thanks to National Lottery funding.

“Encouraging people to explore and share their history is also great for people’s well-being and strengthening communities. This fantastic intergenerational project will be a great example of just that.”

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