Plans have been submitted for the construction of a two-storey veterinary building (Use Class E) which will support the existing use of the Oakhill Veterinary Centre on Langley Road through the provision of new facilities and reconfiguration and extension of the existing car park.
The application site sits within the open countryside and an area of separation between Broughton and Goosnargh. Currently, the site is used as a grass paddock in association with the veterinary centre.
The proposed development will support the ongoing operations at the veterinary centre by providing appropriate accommodation for the farm vets team.
The centre continues to grow and invest as a result of nearby growth in new housing. Alongside this expansion, additional and more functional parking provision is required to support staff and visitors across the site.
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To support the continued use of the centre during the development works, porta-cabins have been approved on site for a period of three years under a previous planning application.
A total of 61 new car parking spaces will be provided, including three electric charging spaces and six disabled spaces
The existing vehicular access onto Langley Lane would not be affected by the proposals.
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The planning statement by Cassidy and Ashton on behalf of Oakhill Veterinary Centre, said: “The building design seeks to be complimentary to its surroundings and make best use of the available land.
“The building will be two-storeys with a maximum height of 9.8m.
“The length of the building would be 20.015m and the width, 16.190m. The internal floor space across both floors amounts to 602.6sqm.
“It is considered that the building would be seen within the context of the surrounding buildings at the site and would not appear incongruous.”
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