
New apartments plan for Lune Street in Preston City Centre

Posted on - 1st September, 2022 - 7:00am | Author - | Posted in - Housing, Preston City Centre, Preston Council, Preston News, Redevelopment, Winckley Square
Looking down Lune Street Pic: Tony Worrall
Looking down Lune Street Pic: Tony Worrall

Plans have been submitted for change of use of existing office space to three self-contained apartments and the retention of an office space to the ground floor in Preston city centre.

The site is located in 13 Lune Street within the Winckley Square Conservation Area, which was first designated in 1975 and is currently a vacant office space.

The last office use ended on January 3, 2022, the professional services used to be open Monday to Saturday from 8am to 6pm and on Sunday or Bank Holidays from 8am to 4pm.

The property is a large three storey mid terrace building which formerly served as a solicitor’s office spread over four floors including a large basement.

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The proposed plans will include the redevelopment of the first, second and third floors from offices (Class E) to new flats located within the Primary Shopping Area and in close proximity to a number of local services and amenities, including restaurants, cafés, bars, shops and banks.

The site area of the application site measures 119m.sq in which the following accommodation will be created:

  • Unit 1 – Office Space – 43.30m.sq
    Unit 2 – two Bedroom Self Contained Apartment – 80.22m.sq
  • Unit 3 – one Bedroom Self Contained Apartment – 67.04m.sq
  • Unit 4 – one Bedroom Self Contained Apartment – 57.30m.sq

This proposal would have adequate living accommodation required and all the units will be accessed via the front entrance off Lune Street.

The basement provides refuge and recycling space with direct access to the outside from the rear.

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No extensions are proposed under this application, only minimal external changes are proposed.

The exterior of the property will undergo a full refurbishment with the only change to the front elevation being the lowering of the existing cill level of the ground floor front elevation window fronting Lune Street.

The planning, design, access and heritage statement said: “The property although substantial in scale requires and full internal and external refurbishment.

“With the full refurbishment proposed the property will add to the character of the area and provide an overall improvement to the surrounding residential property and the street scene.”

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