Estate agents Roberts and Co are hosting a landlord’s conference and inviting any landlords with properties in Preston or South Ribble.
At the event on Wednesday, 12 October 2022, landlords will be able to learn more about tax, legislation and staying compliant.
The event is free to attend and gives landloards the chance to hear from guest speakers including Rebecca Chadwick of Landlord Support Legal Solutions covering the proposed Rental Reform Bill and Simone Smith of Rotherham Taylor Accountants discussing common tax mistakes made by landlords.
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Roberts and Co-Managing Director Emma Roberts said: “We are delighted to be hosting our first landlord conference as part of our 10-year celebrations. Delivering high-quality advice to landlords is a cornerstone of our values and a big part of this is remaining compliant in the face of ever-changing legislation. We want to help local landlords by delivering a conference which focuses on issues relevant to them, using our knowledge of the local market to look at specific topics they will encounter.”
As part of their 10th anniversary, Roberts and Co have also pledged to support Emmaus Preston as their charity of the year.
Emmaus Preston supports people with homelessness and finding work, and will also be attending the conference to share more details about what they do.
With two branches located in Penwortham and Lostock Hall, Roberts and Co cover both sales and lettings across the Preston and South Ribble area. They have won gold awards this year at the British Property Awards for both sales and lettings, reflecting their dedication to providing an exceptional level of service to all clients.
For more information and to book tickets for the conference please click here.
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