
Latest Preston planning applications for April 22 to May 6

Posted on - 8th May, 2022 - 12:00pm | Author - | Posted in - Housing, Preston Council, Preston News, Redevelopment
Preston City Council town hall. Pic: Tony Worrall
Preston City Council town hall. Pic: Tony Worrall

Below are the planning applications registered with Preston City Council from 22 April 22 to 6 May.

Application 06/2022/0186

Location – 113A, Watling Street Road, Preston, PR2 8BQ

Proposal – Single storey side extension to provide six car garage

Application 06/2022/0314

Location – Brook Croft, Preston, Lancashire, PR2 3TW

Proposal – Creation of additional parking spaces

Application 06/2022/0374

Location – Speedek House , Hanbury Street, Preston, PR2 2SU

Proposal – Certificate of lawfulness for proposed single storey extension to existing building

Application 06/2022/0379

Location – 16, Dodney Drive, Preston, PR2 1XR

Proposal – Log cabin to rear

Application 06/2022/0402

Location – Loud Scales, Back Lane, Goosnargh, Preston, PR3 2WD

Proposal – Discharge of condition no.4 (Written Scheme of Investigation) pursuant to existing permission 06/2019/1308 (Conversion of barn to 2no. dwellings and outbuildings to form garages following removal of existing structures)

Application 06/2022/0433

Location – Sika House, Miller Street, Preston, PR1 1EA

Proposal – External steel frame to form an extension to existing high level plant deck

Application 06/2022/0434

Location – 7-13, Market Street, Preston, PR1 2EL

Proposal – Installation of extraction system

Application 06/2022/0436

Location – Wm Morrison Supermarket, Mariners Way, Preston, PR2 2YN

Proposal – 3no. units for Xpress Centre Facility and IN’n’OUT auto centre pod

Application 06/2022/0437

Location – Wm Morrison Supermarket, Mariners Way, Preston, PR2 2YN

Proposal – 4no. illuminated signs and 22no. non illuminated signs

Application 06/2022/0442

Location – Hautmont, Tabley Lane, Preston, PR4 0LH

Proposal – Reserved matters application (namely appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) pursuant to outline planning permission 06/2018/0725 for 1no. dwelling

Application 06/2022/0454

Location – 22, Clifton Avenue, Preston, PR2 1SQ

Proposal – Single storey rear extension and first floor rear extension following demolition of conservatory

Application 06/2022/0456

Location – Land adjacent, Durton House , Durton Lane, Preston, PR3 5LE

Proposal – Outline planning application for 2no. dwellings seeking approval for access (all other matters reserved)

Application 06/2022/0459

Location – 16 Roman Way, Preston, PR2 5BB

Proposal – Extension to existing food production facility

Application 06/2022/0462

Location – 4A, Frenchwood Knoll, Preston, PR1 4LE

Proposal – Discharge of conditions 3 (Materials) and 4 (Roof terrace balustrade/privacy screen) attached to planning permission 06/2020/0833

Application 06/2022/0466

Location – 69, Ribbleton Avenue, Preston, PR1 5RX

Proposal – Change of use from cafe (Class E) to dwelling (Class C3) including single storey front extension, single storey side extension and two storey rear extension following demolition of existing rear extension

Application 06/2022/0473

Location – 9, Winckley Square, Preston, PR1 3HP

Proposal – Certificate of Lawfulness for proposed external works to a listed building

Application 06/2022/0474

Location – The Old School House, 103 Preston Road, Preston, PR2 5SD

Proposal – Single storey side extension, 13no. solar panels, alterations to vehicular access and front boundary

Application 06/2022/0475

Location – 223, Preston Road, Preston, PR2 5JR

Proposal – Change of use from agricultural land to residential garden

Application 06/2022/0476

Location – 20, Harewood Road, Preston, PR1 6XJ

Proposal – Two storey side to rear extension, single storey rear extension, porch to front and dropped kerb

Application 06/2022/0477

Location – Atlas Works, Brieryfield Road, Preston, PR1 8SR

Proposal – Amendment to planning permission 06/2021/0605 comprising of omitting the proposed new stair to Unit 2 (Office) Elevation looking North of the building and insert a spiral staircase within the existing building and increase the size of the approved WC and shower building to act as an accessible toilet and wet room for the whole site and separate toilets at the first and second floors (Non-material amendment not subject to consultation)

Application 06/2022/0479

Location – Durton Manor, Eastway, Preston

Proposal – Discharge of condition no.17 (Travel plan) attached
to planning permission 06/2019/1037

Application 06/2022/0480

Location – Clayton Cottage, Sharoe Green Lane, Preston, PR2 8EJ

Proposal – Discharge of conditions No.3 (Materials), No. 4 (Written Scheme of Investigation), No.5 (Emissions), No.10 (CEMP Biodiversity), No.11 (Tree Protection), No.12 (Landscaping) and No.13 (Biodiversity Compensation) pursuant to existing permission 06/2021/1700 (1no. dwelling following demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings)

Application 06/2022/0482

Location – 87 Beech Street South, Preston, PR1 8JQ

Proposal – Single storey rear extension, following demolition of rear bay

Application 06/2022/0483

Location – 113, Black Bull Lane, Preston, PR2 3PA

Proposal – Two storey side extension, single storey extension and dormer to rear

Application 06/2022/0486

Location – 3 Salisbury Road, Preston, PR1 8PS

Proposal – Change of use from 1no.dwelling (Class C3) to 2no. flats (Class C3) (Retrospective)

Application 06/2022/0489

Location – 62, Callon Street, Preston, PR1 4QR

Proposal – Certificate of Lawfulness for proposed outbuilding to rear

Application 06/2022/0490

Location – 27 Plungington Road, Preston, PR1 7EP

Proposal – Proposed change of use from retail (Class E) to restaurant (Class E) with shop front and self contained flat to first floor

Application 06/2022/0492

Location – Hasely House, Newsham Hall Lane, Preston, PR4 0AS

Proposal – Reserved matters application (namely access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) pursuant to outline planning permission 06/2021/0731 for up to 4no. dwellings (all matters reserved)

Application 06/2022/0495

Location – Sizer House, Moor Lane, Preston, PR1 1JQ

Proposal – Amendment to planning permission 06/2021/0837 comprising of amendment to door positions to retail unit facing Moor Lane, vertical feature brickwork between windows omitted, pitched roof over courtyard building (south block) omitted (non material amendment not subject to consultation

Application 06/2022/0496

Location – 15, Moor Park Avenue, Preston, PR1 6AS

Proposal – Discharge of condition no.3 (Materials) attached to planning permission 06/2020/1019

Application 06/2022/0497

Location – Land North of Durton Lane, Preston

Proposal – Modification of Section 106 agreement relating to Affordable Housing attached to 06/2017/0831

Application 06/2022/0498

Location – Coach House Kennels , Durton Lane, Preston, PR3 5LD

Proposal – Discharge of condition no.3 (Materials) attached to planning permission 06/2018/1230

Application 06/2022/0499

Location – 2, Victoria Road, Preston, PR2 8ND

Proposal – Replacement of existing front elevation timber windows with white uPVC and replacement of timber front door with composite black door

Application 06/2022/0503

Location – Unit 4 Queens Retail Park, Queen Street, Preston, PR1 4HZ

Proposal – External alterations to the existing elevations, associated surfacing works, reconfiguration of existing parking provision, installation of condenser units, trolley bay and external display

Application 06/2022/0505

Location – Horns Dam, Horns Lane, Preston, PR3 2FJ

Proposal – Use of land as touring caravan site, erection of toilet/shower block, formation of 16no hard standings for caravans, paving for wheelchair users to 2 pitches and 3 disabled parking spaces in connection with existing fishing lakes (pursuant to 06/2004/1263 to seek variation of condition no.2 for use of existing touring caravan pitches from Touring pitches to Seasonal pitches

Application 06/2022/0355

Location – St Georges Church, Georges Road, Preston, PR1 2NP

Proposal – Fell and remove 1 new Sycamore tree.

Application 06/2022/0376

Location – 73 Wellington Street, Preston, PR1 8TQ

Proposal – Internal and external alterations.

Application 06/2022/0377

Location – 73 Wellington Street, Preston, PR1 8TQ

Proposal – Listed Building Consent for internal and external alterations.

Application 06/2022/0392

Location – Slaters Barn, Whittingham Lane, Preston, PR3 2JJ

Proposal – Outbuilding to rear following demolition of existing shed.

Application 06/2022/0448

Location – 53, Ashwood Road, Preston, PR2 9UD

Proposal – Single storey extension to side and rear.

Application 06/2022/0465

Location – Guru Nanak Gurdwara Cultural And Recreational Centre, Tunbridge Street, Preston, PR1 5YP

Proposal – Single storey rear extension.

Application 06/2022/0469

Location – Land to the rear of Grimsargh Vicarage, 46 , Preston Road, Preston, PR2 5SD

Proposal – Discharge of Conditions No.3 (Materials), No.5 (Energy Efficiency), No.7 (CEMP), No.9 (Scheme of Landscaping), No11. (Tree Protection), and No.13 (Highway Scheme) pursuant to existing permission 06/2021/0110 (4 new detached dwellings, access road and parking with gated entrance).

Application 06/2022/0472

Location – Land West of Catforth Road, Catforth, Preston, PR4 0HT

Proposal – Reserved matters application (namely appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) pursuant to outline planning permission 06/2019/0700 for 2 new dwellings.

Application 06/2022/0488

Location – 273, Preston Road, Preston, PR2 5JR

Proposal – Single garage with summer room and new boundary treatment following demolition of existing garage, shed and boundary treatment (Retrospective).

Application 06/2022/0504

Location – Cobbers Hill, Durton Lane, Preston, PR3 5LE

Proposal – Amendment to planning permission 06/2018/0219 comprising of the removal of the approved reception and guest bedroom to the west, reduction in the size of the approved first floor gym to the north, removal of the approved landscaped roofs and minor alterations to the design of the approved elevations (Non-material amendment not subject to consultation).

Application 06/2022/0509

Location – Spar House Farm, Lewth Lane, Preston, PR4 0TD

Proposal – Variation of condition no.1 (Approved Plans) pursuant to existing planning permission 06/2020/1337 (Reserved matters application (namely access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) pursuant to outline planning permission 06/2019/1191 for 3 number dwellings and 1 number detached garage).

Application 06/2022/0510

Location – 5, Beacon Grove, Preston, PR2 3QU

Proposal – Single storey rear extension following demolition of existing conservatory.

Application 06/2022/0514

Location – Cobbers Hill, Durton Lane, Preston, PR3 5LE

Proposal – Variation of condition No.1 (Approved Plans), discharge of conditions No.3 (Materials), No.6 (Biodiversity Enhancement), No.8 (Landscaping and Planting) and No.11 (Dwelling Emission Rate) pursuant to existing permission 06/2018/0219 (1no. dwelling following demolition of existing dwelling).

Application 06/2022/0515

Location – Former Ribbleton Hospital, Miller Road, Preston, PR2 6LS

Proposal – Discharge of condition no.2 (Materials) attached to reserved matters approval 06/2020/1400.

Application 06/2022/0518

Location – Land west of, Becconsall Farm, Bartle Lane, Preston, PR4 0RU

Proposal – Discharge of conditions no.3 (Dwelling Emission Rate) and no.4 (Programme of Building Recording) pursuant to existing permission 06/2021/0865 (1 new dwelling, garage/garden room and associated landscaping).

Application 06/2022/0520

Location – 5, Chapman Road, Preston, PR2 8NX

Proposal – 3-4 metre crown reduction and deadwood removal 2no. Ash trees and 1no. Sycamore tree.

Application 06/2022/0522

Location – 233, Preston Road, Preston, PR2 5JR

Proposal – Change of use of land to residential garden.

Application 06/2022/0523

Location – 23, Birkdale Drive, Preston, PR2 1UL

Proposal – Single storey side extension.

Application 06/2022/0525

Location – Land opposite The Old School House, Garstang Road, Barton, Preston

Proposal – Discharge of condition no.10 (Landscape, habitat creation and management plan from amenity tree) attached to outline permission 06/2019/0090.

Application 06/2022/0527

Location – 1, Marlborough Drive, Preston, PR2 9UE

Proposal – Amendment to planning permission 06/2022/0031 comprising of installation of 2no. Velux windows above the stairwell, repositioning of the front door and external remodelling to the North and West elevations including the resizing of glazing.

Application 06/2022/0529

Location – Known as Midgery Wood, Land On The West Side Of, Midgery Lane, Fulwood, Preston

Proposal – 30 per cent thin of woodland trees to diversity age and species structure.

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