
Penwortham boy raises money for neonatal unit who cared for him

Posted on - 1st March, 2022 - 7:00pm | Author - | Posted in - Health, Penwortham, Preston News, Proud Preston, South Ribble News
Theodore, Mum Charley, Baby Beat Community and Events Fundraiser Sue Swire, and Sister Katie Noble.

A young boy from Penwortham has raised £250 for the neonatal unit that cared for him and his family.

Four-year-old Theodore Naylor-Thomas was born prematurely and was cared for by the team on the neonatal intensive care unit at Royal Preston Hospital.

Theodore spent two days baking and decorating cakes which he sold around neighbouring streets in return for a donation to Baby Beat.

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In total, he raised a wonderful £250 to help the cause continue to support their life-changing projects for local families!

Theodore weighed 3lb 7oz when he was born and was looked after by staff on the unit, including Senior Sister Katie Noble, who is now so close to Theodore and his mums Ruth and Charley that she’s referred to as Auntie Katie.

The family have supported Baby Beat – Lancashire Teaching Hospitals’ maternity charity, which raises funds for projects for the benefit of local babies, mums, and mums-to-be – since the wonderful care that the family received following his birth.

Now that Theodore is four, Charley and Ruth let him choose his next fundraising activity himself – and as a cake-mad youngster who wants to be Father Christmas when he grows up, it was inevitable that delivering handmade cakes to friends and family around his local neighbourhood, dressed in a Santa outfit, would be the top choice!

Charley said: “The team were amazing, and soon felt like family.

“There is no feeling that will ever compare to not being able to hold your new-born as often as you would like, or watch them fight battles you wish they didn’t have to, but when you have the support and love from an amazing team who go unsung most of the time you feel like you can achieve anything.”

If you’d like to find out more about the crucial work that Baby Beat does in Lancashire, or about how you can get involved in fundraising, please visit

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