An activity centre for older people in Leyland has been the victim of a second break-in in less than six months.
Withy Trees Centre was broken into on Saturday 26 February 2022 and despite the centre’s alarm sounding the thief persisted in climbing through a window stealing and not just a digital sound system, but donated Easter Eggs and leaving the centre in a mess.
Police promptly arrived but the equipment had already been taken. It is essential and used regularly in therapeutic activity sessions for people living with Dementia.
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Director of Services, Peter Rowbottom said: “The Alexa device which was stolen needs to now be replaced. Our service users always loved using the technology to play music and dance and was often a tool used by staff to support reminiscence, calming moods and encouraging positive movements.
“Older people can shy away or are wary of using modern technology and the Alexa equipment introduced them to how helpful and easy to use digital equipment can be. This has now been taken away from them.”
It has been proven that music accesses different parts of the brain than language, so music can be used to communicate or engage with someone who has been diagnosed with dementia, even if they no longer speak or respond to other people’s words. Without the equipment, staff are having to adapt sessions until it can be replaced.
Age Concern has 40 years of experience in helping people live well and age well and is renowned for delivering specialist dementia services.
Within bespoke facilities Age Concern Central Lancashire, a preferred Lancashire county council provider for care, emphasises focused activity, social interaction and help to maintain daily living skills through a wide range of therapeutic activity programmes and innovative approaches.
We would be extremely grateful if anyone specifically has an Alexa they could donate.
For anyone wishing to make a donation to support the charity please click here.
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