Free parking has begun at Preston Business Centre for anyone visiting Royal Preston Hospital until Thursday 30 June 2022.
Visitors to the hospital will be able to use the Park and Ride between the business centre and the hospital between 12:15pm and 4pm Monday to Friday.
Preston Business Centre is located in Watling Street Road and Sharoe Green Lane – and is the old hospital and workhouse building.
Read more: Royal Preston Hospital visiting hours extended further
The service will allow the public to park free of charge and get on a direct shuttle to Royal Preston, which will take around five minutes to get to.
The pick up/drop off point at the business centre is at the Specialist Mobility Rehabilitation Centre entrance, and at the hospital, the bus stop adjacent to the Main Entrance will be used.
The offer follows the changes to visiting times which were introduced last week.
Members of the public are asked to wear a face covering on the bus and social distance during quieter times when possible.
Will this make visiting relatives easier? Let us know in the comments below.