Below are the latest Preston planning applications registered with Preston City Council for January 28 to February 4.
Conservatory to rear (retrospective application) at 7, Pedders Grove, Preston. Validated 3 February.
Two storey extension following demolition of existing two storey double garage/office/store, close off existing site access and form 2no. new entrances with sliding gates at The Croft, Eaves Lane, Preston. Validated 3 February.
Erection of 1no. apartment block following demolition of existing dwelling at 16 Derby Road, Preston. Validated 31 January.
Two storey side extension, three storey rear extension, hip to gable, dormer extension to rear, porch and roof lights to front following demolition of existing store room at 107, Malvern Avenue, Preston. Validated 2 February.
Stage 2 Technical Details Consent for 1no. dwelling following grant of Stage 1 Permission in Principle 06/2019/0026 at Old Rib Farm 55, Halfpenny Lane, Preston. Validated 1 February.
Change of use from 1no. dwelling (Class C3) to house of multiple occupation (Class C4) at 58 Jemmett Street, Preston. Validated 31 January.
Outline application for 1no. dwelling (all matters reserved) at Land adjacent 27, George Street, Preston. Validated 28 January.
Stage 2 Technical Details Consent for 2no. dwellings following grant of Stage 1 Permission in Principal 06/2021/0303 at Land adjacent to, 35 Cumeragh Lane, Whittingham, Preston. Validated 28 January.
1no. extraction flue to rear at 83A Fishergate, Preston. Validated 1 February.
Change of use of existing Stable block to 1no. single storey dwelling, to include single storey rear extension at Hill House, Back Lane, Preston. Validated 3 February.
Two storey side extension and replacement garage at 135 Oxford Street, Preston. Validated 3 February.
16no. internally illuminated signs (digital screens and light boxes) and 9no. non-illuminated signs (painted and vinyl) at Unit A – Toys R Us, Deepdale Shopping Park, Blackpool Road, Preston. Validated 3 February.
Amendment to planning permission 06/2020/1102 comprising of the removal and replacement of hedgerow (non-material amendment not subject to consultation) at Woodlands, 66 Fulwood Row, Preston. Validated 4 February.
Fell and remove 2no. Ash trees at Land South of Whittingham Road, Longridge, Preston. Validated 3 February.
Fell and remove 2no. sycamore trees at 25, Lambert Road, Preston. Validated 3 February.
Part single, part two storey front, side and rear extensions following demolition of the existing garage and conservatory. Extension to existing front garage. New front porch at 10, Foregate, Preston. Validated 3 February.
Discharge of condition no4. (written scheme of investigation) attached to existing permission 06/2018/0416 at The Horns Inn, Horns Lane, Preston. Validated 3 February.
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