Below are the latest Preston planning applications registered with Preston City Council for January 21 to 28.
1no. replacement dwelling and detached garage following demolition of existing dwelling and garage at 18, Woodplumpton Lane, Preston. Validated 24 January.
44no. dwellings with associated works at Land off Whittingham Lane, Broughton, Preston. Validated 21 January.
Porch extension to side following demolition of existing porch at 21A, Frenchwood Knoll, Preston. Validated 27 January.
Single storey front, side and rear extension, associated hard and soft landscaping and new boundary wall and vehicle access gate to front following demolition of existing single storey garage and store at 46, Woodplumpton Road, Preston. Validated 26 January.
Two storey side extension and internal alterations to create granny annex at 23, Tudor House, Brooklands Avenue, Preston. Validated 21 January.
Installation of 1no. air source heat pump at Swill Brook Grange, Crown Lane, Preston. Validated 24 January.
1no. two storey dwelling following demolition of existing dwelling at 393, Garstang Road, Preston. Validated 24 January.
Discharge of conditions no.3 (Materials) no.4 (New site access) no.5 (Site access and car park areas) no.8 (Phase 2 site investigation) no.9 (Electric vehicle charging points) no.10 (Biodiversity construction environmental management plan) no.11 (Artificial bat bricks) no.13 (Landscaping scheme) no.14 (Boundary treatments) no.16 (Surface water sustainable drainage scheme) and no.18 (Surface water and pollution prevention) attached to variation of condition application 06/2021/0659 at Baffitos, Navigation Way, Preston. Validated 24 January.
Discharge of condition no.3 (Materials) attached to planning permission 06/2019/1426 at Land adjacent, 64 Gisburn Road, Preston. Validated 24 January.
Amendment to planning permission 06/2020/1362 comprising of the variation of the wording to condition no.6 (non-material amendment not subject to consultation) at Land South of, St Vincents Road, Fulwood, Preston. Validated 21 January.
Discharge of condition no.4 (Materials) attached to planning permission 06/2019/1453 at Land adjacent, 12 Marsett Place, Preston. Validated 24 January.
Discharge of condition no.4 (Materials) attached to planning permission 06/2019/1458 at Land adjacent and to rear of 74 & 76 Heathfield Drive, Preston. Validated 24 January.
Extraction equipment to rear and minor shop front alterations at 51-52, Friargate, Preston. Validated 27 January.
Rear and side extension including loft conversion at 15, Harewood Road, Preston. Validated 25 January.
Certificate of lawfulness for proposed hip to gable roof and rear dormer at 581 Blackpool Road, Preston. Validated 25 January.
Installation of window to side elevation, Juliet balcony to rear dormer, alterations to front door opening and cladding to front and side façade at 581 Blackpool Road, Preston. Validated 25 January.
Repaint existing shutters and window frames grey, new boundary treatment to widen access and install new gate with associated works to trees at 2a, Highgate Avenue, Preston. Validated 28 January.
Change of use from commercial, business and service (Class E) to 14no. apartment (Class C3) at 7-8, Chapel Street, Preston. Validated 26 January.
1no. internally illuminated LED digital advertisement board at Total Fitness, West Strand, Preston. Validated 25 January.
Change of use from agricultural buildings to flexible commercial use (Class E) at Willow Bridge, Roots Lane, Preston. Validated 26 January.
Fell and remove 2no. Cherry Laurel trees at 3, Frenchwood Street, Preston. Validated 25 January.
Discharge of condition no.5 (Materials) attached to planning permission 06/2019/1455 at Land adjacent, 19 Langcliffe Road, Preston. Validated 27 January.
Fell and remove 1no. Cherry Laurel tree at 2, Frenchwood Street, Preston. Validated 25 January.
Amendment to existing permission 06/2019/0986 (37no. dwellings and associated works with access from Glenluce Drive) changes to finished floor levels for houses & garages plots 7-11, finished floor level for garage at plot 6 and siting of garages for plots 10 & 11 moved 1m east at Deafway, Brockholes Brow, Preston. Validated 27 January.
1no. dwelling and garage and associated works (pursuant to 06/2021/0263 to seek variation of condition no.2 Approved Plans) at 103, Plumpton Green, Woodplumpton Road, Woodplumpton, Preston. Validated 27 January.
Discharge of conditions no.6 (Surface water sustainable drainage scheme) no.11 (Highway works) no.14 (Management and maintenance of the proposed streets) no.19 (Invasive non-native species method statement) no.21 (Badger survey) and no.24 (Landscape ecological management plan) attached to planning permission 06/2019/0986 at Deafway, Brockholes Brow, Preston. Validated 27 January.
Single storey rear extension and repositioning of existing outbuilding at 42 Oakwood Drive, Preston. Validated 27 January.
Part two storey and part single storey rear extension at 15, Rook Street, Preston. Validated 28 January.
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