The Government have recently announced measures to help households with rising energy bills, including a £150 council tax energy rebate.
Preston City Council are now urging people to sign up to pay their council tax by direct debit so they automatically receive the rebate.
Households in bands A-D will be eligible and the payments will be processed locally by the city council.
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Those who pay their council tax by direct debit will receive a £150 one-off amount, paid directly into their bank account.
However, those who pay by another method could see this rebate payment delayed.
Councillor Martyn Rawlinson, Deputy Leader and Cabinet member for resources, said: “We expect that anyone paying by direct debit will receive the £150 payment directly into their bank account.
“For those who don’t have a direct debit set up, this could cause a delay to the payment process. I’d urge them to set this up as soon as possible via the council’s website.
“This is an easy, safe and secure way to pay your council tax and the quickest way to receive the rebate.”
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Do you think this rebate will help with your energy bills? Let us know in the comments below.