
100 Warm Whites packs delivered to Prestonians affected by fuel poverty

Posted on - 7th January, 2022 - 7:00pm | Author - | Posted in - Campaigns, Charities, Deepdale, Health, Preston News, Preston North End, Proud Preston
PNE platers Joe Rafferty, Daniel Johnson and Ryan Ledson supporting the Warm Whites campaign Pic: Ian Robinson/Preston North End
PNE platers Joe Rafferty, Daniel Johnson and Ryan Ledson supporting the Warm Whites campaign Pic: Ian Robinson/Preston North End

Preston North End Community and Education Trust distributed 100 Warm Whites packs to those affected by fuel poverty in December.

The Warm Whites campaign was launched in the lead up to Christmas to support those who may have struggled to keep up with rising fuel costs in recent months or cannot afford to heat their home adequately during cold weather.

Packs included a number of resources such as hot water bottles, hats, gloves, blankets, a packet of biscuits, hot chocolate, puzzle books and other reading materials.

The packs were funded by Preston North End and its first team squad, PNECET and donations from the general public.

Information has also been provided for recipients about the Household Support Fund from the Department for Work and Pensions, which assists residents who do not have enough resources to meet their immediate or short-term needs over the winter period.

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In total 100 packs were delivered, reaching various community groups – Fishwick Rangers FC, The Foxton Centre and Pukar Disability Centre – and nominated vulnerable members of the community.

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PNECET Chief Executive Officer Tom Drake said: “We were pleased to deliver our Warm Whites campaign over the festive period and provide support for those who needed it most.

“The resources we were able to provide we hope will have assisted people with staying warm both at home and out in the community, while keeping them active and engaged with various reading materials.

“We continuously aim to adapt to the changing needs of those living in the Preston area.

“Rising fuel costs will have affected many in our community. We therefore hope that the items we have provided, along with the information about the Household Support Fund, will have eased pressures on some of our local residents while providing an insight into the continued support they can access going forwards.”

For more information about the Warm Whites campaign, email

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