Eligible residents in Preston and the surrounding areas are being invited to attend a walk-in Covid-19 vaccination clinic this weekend to receive a booster dose of the vaccine ahead of the festive period.
The booster dose improves the protection of the first two doses of the vaccine and provides longer-term protection against getting seriously ill from Covid-19.
The clinic will take place this Sunday, December 5, and will be held at Issa Medical Centre, based on 73 St Gregory Road, Preston, PR1 6YA, running from 9am to 4:30pm.
Read more: Lancashire’s Directors of Public Health urge those in Preston to follow reintroduced Covid measures
The eligibility criteria to attend this clinic is as follows:
No appointment is needed, simply turn up.
Full details on all clinics operating across the area can be found at: https://centrallancashireccgs.nhs.uk/covid-19/getyourjab
Read more: See the latest Preston news and headlines
Have you had your booster jab? Let us know in the comments below.