An increase in divorce enquiries in Preston has been linked to repeated lockdowns.
Vincents Solicitors, based in Winckley Square, says it has received increasing numbers of enquiries ever since the first lockdown started in March 2020.
Director Mark Mosley said: “The pandemic has seen many people take stock and those who were already separated are contacting us with a desire to finalise their arrangements.
“We’re also hearing from people who are worried they can’t afford to divorce, and were therefore avoiding the decision, until the situation became untenable after repeated lockdowns.”
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To assist with the increase in enquiries, Vincents has recently recruited a new divorce specialist.
Angela Garvey will work alongside Mark for the first time in 20 years, having previously been opposing council on numerous cases.
Angela has more than 30 years’ experience in family law and is a member of family justice organisation Resolution, the group that sets the standard for best practice in this field.
Angela said: “I was looking for an opportunity to develop a team using the Resolution approach, something Vincents is known for thanks to the great work of Mark and his department.”
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