Below are the latest Preston planning applications registered with Preston City Council for November 27 to December 3.
Certificate of Lawfulness to replace existing rear drain pipes. Replacement of rear cellar window, installation of concrete joists under rear cracked flags and replacement kitchen joists, installation of new kitchen. Replacement of lead pipe water mains and installation of central heating throughout including upgrading all internal electrics Install insulation between floors and upgrading loft insulation, upgrading of the existing bathroom and shower rooms, re-plaster throughout all walls and ceilings. Replace and repair damaged coving and damaged front chimney stack and replace missing chimney pot and flashings on rear chimney stack at 15 Bushell Place, Preston, Lancashire. Validated 30 November.
1 no. dwelling following demolition of existing garage at Land adjacent 9 Banksfield Avenue, Preston. Validated 3 December.
Amendment to reserved matters application 06/2019/0925 comprising of brick material changes to plots 7 – 16 and plots 23 – 26 (non-material amendment not subject to consultation) at Park House Farm, Whittingham Lane, Grimsargh, Preston. Validated 26 November.
Change of use from 2no. apartments (Class C3) to 6 bedroom house in multiple occupation (Class C4) and raised roof to existing single storey rear extension at 37, Broadgate, Preston. Validated 2 December.
Double garage to side at 37-39, Victoria Parade, Preston. Validated 30 November.
Proposed development (including engineering works) of mixed-use leisure scheme comprising cinema, restaurants, bowling alley, competitive social unit, car parking with associated access, servicing and hard and soft landscaping at Former Indoor Market Hall, Earl Street/Tenterfield Street, Preston. Validated 30 November.
Change of use of former kitchen appliance centre E (a) to funeral directors (Sui Generis) including external alterations at Kitchen Appliance Centre, Mount Pleasant, Preston. Validated 30 November.
Single storey rear extension at Padua 232, Lightfoot Lane, Preston. Validated 29 November.
New shop front at William Hill Bookmakers, 78A Fishergate, Preston. Validated 29 November.
1 no. externally illuminated fascia sign and 1no. internally illuminated projecting sign at William Hill Bookmakers , 78A Fishergate, Preston. Validated 29 November.
Conversion of existing detached garage to 1 no. dwelling at 8, Ribblesdale Drive, Preston. Validated 3 December.
Reduce in height by 15 metres 1no. Conifer tree, trim by 5 metres 2 no. Blossom trees and trim by 3 metres 1 no. Beech tree at 81, Victoria Road, Preston. Validated 1 December.
Single storey rear extension following demolition of existing outbuilding at 89, Holmrook Road, Preston. Validated 29 November.
Discharge of condition no.3 (Materials) attached to planning permission 06/2018/1276 at 25, Grimshaw Street, Preston. Validated 30 November.
Single storey side and rear extension, replacement porch, skylight to the front, replacement of windows with white uPVC and removal of mock Tudor panelling at 7A, Watling Street Road, Preston. Validated 3 December.
1 no. single storey building following demolition of existing single storey toilet block at Catforth Primary School, School Lane, Preston. Validated 2 December.
Discharge of condition no.4 (Energy Efficiency) attached to outline permission 06/2017/0449 at The Garden House, Catforth Road, Catforth, Preston. Validated 1 December.
Discharge of condition no.4 (Surface water drainage scheme) attached to planning permission 06/2017/0339 at Land to the rear of 907 and 909 Whittingham Lane, Goosnargh, Preston. Validated 30 November.
Two storey rear extension following demolition of existing conservatory at 22, Minster Park, Preston. Validated 2 December.
Amendment to planning permission 06/2019/0986 comprising of relocation of dormers from front roof slopes to rear on plots 21, 22, 25, 26, 31 and 32 (non-material amendment not subject to consultation) at Deafway, Brockholes Brow, Preston. Validated 2 December.
Dormer extension to rear, hip to gable roof, roof lights to front, balcony and roof terrace to rear at 140, Lytham Road, Preston. Validated 2 December.
Installation of a mezzanine floor to be used for retail and/or a pet care, treatment and grooming facility (Class E) (pursuant to 06/2021/0593 to seek variation of conditions no.5 and no.6 and removal of condition no.4 at Pets At Home, Mariners Way, Preston. Validated 2 December.
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