
Blog Preston wishes you a Merry Christmas

Posted on - 25th December, 2021 - 7:00am | Author - | Posted in - Preston News
Christmas in Preston Pic: Crispin Robinson
Christmas in Preston Pic: Crispin Robinson

As another year draws to a close it’s time to reflect on the challenges and achievements experienced by Preston and our proud people.

There’s been yet more uncertainty due to Covid-19, but together we’ve come through it with many stories of hope and positivity.

First of all we’d like to say thank you to all the key workers who have continued to work so hard to keep us safe and healthy this year.

Fittingly, Preston was lit up during a rainy October night for the Mayor of Preston’s Covid thank you torchlight parade and fireworks.

Our thoughts also go out to those working in retail, hospitality and leisure businesses. It’s been a particularly tough year with ever-changing rules and restrictions.

Read more: Preston joins over 100 destinations to call for urgent Government support for high streets

Despite this, Preston has seen a host of impressive new venues open during the past 12 months including NIKO, Market Street Social and Detroit – not to mention the addition of a Masterchef to an existing venue in the city.

There’s also the promise of much more to come.

Read more: Mowgli owner announces lease signed on new Preston restaurant

Meanwhile the amount of charitable activity undertaken by Prestonians has been truly inspirational.

We worked with Preston BID to find a Christmas Lights Switch On Star, with courageous Abigail McKenzie being chosen as a worthy winner.

And every week we report on feats of strength and determination with people raising hundreds if not thousands of pounds for causes close to their hearts.

Read more: Preston’s charitable giving in 2021

Indeed there were so many stories of kindness, courage and creativity that we officially launched our Proud Preston section, backed by the city’s leaders.

Read more: Proud Preston: How we’re celebrating the kindness, courage and creativity in our city

We sadly lost many loved ones this year, including Preston North End owner Trevor Hemmings who died aged 86, and much-loved Blog Preston contributor and prolific photographer Tony Worrall who passed away in June.

A Christmas tree on a boat at Preston Docks Pic: Tony Worrall
A Christmas tree on a boat at Preston Docks Pic: Tony Worrall

On the subject of Blog Preston contributors, we have been pleased to welcome more voices from the city to the Blog this year.

Lisa writes about arts and culture, Geoff dives into the city’s history, Karen gives her expert verdict on eateries, and Daniel shares his acerbic thoughts on everything from parking to fireworks.

To end on a positive note – which on its own makes all our efforts worthwhile – we have just received the amazing news that two formerly homeless people have a home for Christmas thanks to the Big PNE Sleep Out.

Read more: First tenants move into house for the homeless funded by Big PNE Sleep Out

Huge thanks to everyone who supported the cause and donated.

Thank you also to everyone who has interacted with Blog Preston this year.

We’ve grown our Instagram to almost 12k followers, so if you’re not already enjoying all the amazing photos we share then be sure to join us.

As ever, your clicks, shares and tip offs make Blog Preston what it is – a valuable community resource that has reached over 1.3m people this year.

So from all of the team here at Blog Preston, we wish you a Merry Christmas and all the best for a happy and healthy 2022.

Kate, Ed, Charlotte, Danielle, Matt, Abigail, Lisa, Geoff, Karen, Daniel and all our contributors.

If you need someone to talk to this Christmas, Samaritans will listen. You can call 116 123, or find other ways to contact them on the Samaritans website.

Preston in pictures Preston - former Martins Bank, 181 Friargate 241019 2Preston - former Midland Bank, 39:40 Fishergate 241019Preston [Listed Building Grade II] - Shelley Assurance Building 241019Preston [Listed Building Grade II] - TSB Bank, 96 Fishergate 241019Entering Preston Bus StationRamp to the Car Park at Preston Bus StationClaytons Gate PrestonWaiting, Preston Bus Station View more
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