The Winckley Square Christmas tree was blown over during Friday night (26 November), impacting today’s planned festivities at the Georgian square.
A spokesperson for the Friends of Winckley Square said: “It is too dangerous to erect the snow globe and the refreshments gazebo but at the moment the plan is that the reindeer, sleigh and elves will still be here.”
Next week’s event, taking place on Saturday 4 December from 10am to 2pm, is set to go ahead and will feature giant penguins and a ukulele band. The following weekend will see Winckley Square play host to a Christmas concert.
Read more: Friends of Winckley Square to hold Christmas concert
Earlier in the week the Met Office had issued a weather warning for Storm Arwen to bring high winds from 9pm on Friday to 6pm today.
Lancashire County Council said its highways team was well prepared to respond to any impacts as a result of the stormy weather.
Read more: Lancashire County Council’s highways team prepared for Storm Arwen
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