
In pictures: Hoghton Tower Christmas Market in the snow

Posted on - 29th November, 2021 - 9:32pm | Author - | Posted in - Charities, Christmas, Preston News, What's On in Preston
Hoghton Christmas Market Pic: Reanne Donkor
Pic: Reanne Donkor

Attendees at Hoghton Tower’s Christmas Market were left feeling extra festive after a sprinkling of snow at the 16th century manor house.

Artisan goods and festive gifts were on offer at the market, which took place on Sunday (28 November).

With more than 50 stalls in total, traders included The Bee Centre, Piggery Designs, Critter Coats, Bashall Spirits, Coffee Bug and Italian wine producers Provino.

Read more: Christmas event planned for Cannon Street, Winckley Street and Guildhall Street

There was a selection of family activities on offer, and St Catherine’s Hospice and North West Blood Bikes Lancashire and Lakes were also in attendance to raise money.

Proceeds from the admission fee were in aid of Hoghton Tower Preservation Trust.

Local photographer Reanne Donkor was there to capture the festivities.

Hoghton Christmas Market Pic: Reanne Donkor
Pic: Reanne Donkor
Hoghton Christmas Market Pic: Reanne Donkor
Pic: Reanne Donkor
Hoghton Christmas Market Pic: Reanne Donkor
Pic: Reanne Donkor
Hoghton Christmas Market Pic: Reanne Donkor
Pic: Reanne Donkor
Hoghton Christmas Market Pic: Reanne Donkor
Pic: Reanne Donkor
Hoghton Christmas Market Pic: Reanne Donkor
Pic: Reanne Donkor
Hoghton Christmas Market Pic: Reanne Donkor
Pic: Reanne Donkor
Hoghton Christmas Market Pic: Reanne Donkor
Pic: Reanne Donkor
Hoghton Christmas Market Pic: Reanne Donkor
Pic: Reanne Donkor
Hoghton Christmas Market Pic: Reanne Donkor
Pic: Reanne Donkor
Hoghton Christmas Market Pic: Reanne Donkor
Pic: Reanne Donkor

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