
Latest Preston planning applications for July 30 to August 6

Posted on - 15th August, 2021 - 12:00pm | Author - | Posted in - Housing, Preston Council, Preston News, Redevelopment
Preston City Council town hall. Pic: Tony Worrall
Preston City Council town hall. Pic: Tony Worrall

Below are the planning applications registered with Preston City Council between July 30 and August 6.

  • Temporary siting of 1no. static caravan (Retrospective) at Boggart House Farm, Station Lane, Preston. Validated 2 August.
  • 1no. two storey dwelling at Spar House Farm Cottage, Lewth Lane, Preston. Erection of 4no. detached two storey dwellings and alterations to existing vehicular access at Stables, Vine House Farm, 38 Darkinson Lane, Preston. Validated 30 July.
  • Single storey rear extension at Plumpton Green, 103, Woodplumpton Road, Woodplumpton, Preston. Validated 30 July.
  • Change of use from residential (Class C3) to 5 bedroom HMO (Class C4) at 30 Broadgate, Preston. Validated 30 July.
  • Variation of condition 1 (approved plans) pursuant to planning permission 06/2019/1372 dated 21/05/2020 for 23no. dwellings. Amendments include remodelling of the approved dwellings at Plots 15 – 22 at land adjacent to Daniels Farm, Durton Lane, Preston. Validated 2 August.
  • Raising of roof height to create first floor living accommodation at 34 Preston Road, Preston. Validated 5 August.
  • Permission in Principle for up to 9no. dwellings at Former Swillbrook Poultry Farm, Rosemary Lane, Preston. Validated 4 August.
  • Outline planning application seeking approval for access only for residential development for up to 51no. dwellings with associated works (all other matters reserved) at land west of Garstang Road, Broughton, Preston. Validated 28 July.
  • Single storey rear extension to rear of garage and house with associated ginnel infill at 27 Keats Way, Preston. Validated 2 August.
  • Single storey wrap around extension at 10 Underwood, Preston. Validated 30 July.
  • 4no. detached dwellings, access road and parking with gated entrance at land to the rear of Grimsargh Vicarage, 46, Preston Road, Preston. Validated 30 July.
  • Prior notification submission for proposed new access track at Farm Track, land west of West Crescent, Preston. Validated 30 July.
  • Discharge of condition no.15 (Programme Of Archaeological Investigation) attached to outline planning permission 06/2016/0258 at land off Ribblesdale Drive, Grimsargh, Preston. Validated 2 August.
  • Prior notification submission for installation of 15.0m Phase 8 Monopole C/W wraparound cabinet at base and associated ancillary works at footpath adjacent to 156 Preston Road, Preston. Validated 30 July.
  • Single storey side and rear extension. Roof extension involving hip to gable and rear dormer window and 1no. front facing rooflight at 26 Rossall Drive, Preston. Validated 2 August.
  • Change of use from office (Class A2), public house (Class A4) and hotel (Class C1) to 6no. apartments (Class C3), 1no. 6 bed house in multiple occupation (HMO) and 1no. office (Class A2) with external alteration including external staircase (pursuant to planning permission 06/2019/0001 to seek variation of conditions no.1 (Approved Plans) and no.6 (Waste Storage Location) at Garrison Hotel 193 Watling Street Road, Preston. Validated 2 August.
  • Certificate of Lawfulness for proposed change of use of 1no. dwelling (Class C3(a)) to children’s residential care home for a maximum of four children (Class C3(b)) at 47 Avenham Road, Preston. Validated 2 August.
  • Reserved Matters application (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for the erection of 130 dwellings, with associated parking, private amenity space and landscaping, pursuant to outline planning permission 06/2019/1275 and the discharge of Conditions 10 and 12 at land to the east of Tabley Lane and north of Tabley Green, Preston. Validated 2 August.
  • Erection of 28 dwellings including affordable housing with associated infrastructure and open space at land to the north of Durton Lane, Preston. Validated 2 August.
  • Discharge of condition no. 7 (Materials) attached to planning permission 06/2020/1362 at land South of St Vincents Road, Fulwood, Preston. Validated 2 August.
  • Submission of details of conditions 3 (timetable/work programme), 4 (work methodology statement) and 5 (scheme of recording) pursuant to Listed Building Consent 06/2021/0199 at St Johns Church, Whittingham Hospital, Whittingham Lane, Preston. Validated 3 August.
  • Outline planning application for 4no. dwellings and associated works (access applied for only) (pursuant to 06/2018/0244 to seek removal of condition. 8 (License issued by Natural England pursuant to Regulation 53 of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010) at 339 Preston Road, Preston. Validated 4 August.
  • Certificate of Lawfulness for proposed roof enlargements at 47 Brixton Road, Preston. Validated 5 August.
  • Discharge of condition no.24 (External Lighting) attached to outline permission 06/2014/0323 at Preston East Employment Area, Bluebell Way, Fulwood, Preston. Validated 5 August.
  • Construction of a new car park, overflow car park, temporary events space, access infrastructure, and associated landscaping and boundary treatments at Whittingham and Goosnargh Sports And Social Club, Whittingham Lane, Broughton, Preston. Validated 4 August.
  • Extension to third floor, strengthen existing ground to first floor columns and ground works to strengthen existing foundations at Cardinal Newman College, Lark Hill Road, Preston. Validated 4 August.
  • Certificate of Lawfulness for proposed loft conversion including hip to gable, rear dormer and front velux windows at 34 Southgate, Fulwood, Preston. Validated 6 August.

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