
Latest Preston planning applications for July 23 to 30

Posted on - 8th August, 2021 - 12:00pm | Author - | Posted in - Housing, Preston Council, Preston News
Preston City Council town hall. Pic: Tony Worrall
Preston City Council town hall. Pic: Tony Worrall

Below are the planning applications registered with Preston City Council between July 23 and 30.

  • Change of use from retail (Class E) to laundrette (Sui Generis) and installation of extraction fan to side elevation at 26 Ribbleton Avenue, Preston. Validated 26 July.
  • Listed Building Consent for installation of a flagpole in the garden area to the North East of the church at St Georges Church, Georges Road, Preston. Validated 26 July.
  • Part single, part two storey rear extension following demolition of existing rear extension at 26, Lowthorpe Crescent, Preston. Validated 14 July.
  • Erection of 1no. dwelling and garages at 318, The Cottage, Tag Lane, Preston. Validated 29 July.
  • Amendment to planning permission 06/2019/1037 for 195no. dwellings with associated infrastructure and landscaping comprising repositioning of plots 62, 63, 66, 67, 68 and 69 (non-material amendment not subject to consultation) at Land north of, Eastway, Preston. Validated 14 July.
  • Discharge of conditions request for condition no.6 (Construction phasing plan) of reserved matters approval 06/2020/0992 at Sidgreaves Lane, Lea Road and Lancaster Canal – Cottam Hall, Lea, Preston, Lancashire. Validated 14 July.
  • Subdivision of the ground floor into 2no units including replacement of the existing side roof with pitched roof and single storey side extension at 3, Broadway, Preston. Validated 15 July.
  • Replacement and alterations of existing windows and doors at 1, Winckley Street, Preston. Validated 21 July.
  • Prior notification submission for demolition of existing buildings at Water Treatment Works, Woodplumpton Lane, Preston. Validated 16 July.
  • Variation of condition 1 (Approved plans) pursuant to reserved matters approval 06/2020/1292 (namely appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) pursuant to outline planning permission 06/2020/0269 for 1no. dwelling at Kitts Barn, Benson Lane, Catforth, Preston. Validated 16 July.
  • Increase of roof height and external alterations, rendered wall finish and changes to windows and doors at St Martins Lodge, 257, Black Bull Lane, Preston. Validated 22 July.
  • New shopfront. Replacement of awning fabric. Replacement of external seating and barriers at 91, Fishergate, Preston. Validated 16 July.
  • Installation of non-fascia, box sign and hanging sign at 91, Fishergate, Preston. Validated 16 July.
  • Single storey rear extension at 306, St Georges Road, Preston. Validated 16 July.
  • Change of use office (Class E) to dwelling (Class C3) including side extensions with dormers and re- positioning of the front porch at The Brick House, Ducie Place, Preston. Validated 16 July.
  • Submission of details of condition 12 (Nesting birds) pursuant to planning permission 06/2018/0711 at Land South of Whittingham Lane, Grimsargh, Preston. Validated 16 July.
  • Single storey rear extension at 17 Harewood Road, Preston. Validated 19 July.
  • Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 06/2021/0238 for 2no dwellings) Amendments include change to substation at The Paddock, Adjacent to Whinfield Cottage, Cowhill Farm, Grimsargh. Validated 19 July.
  • Part single part two storey rear extension and detached garage to side following demolition of existing outrigger and garage at 4, Belmont Crescent, Preston. Validated 19 July.
  • Insertion of fascia and hanging signs to shopfront at Unit A – Toys R Us Deepdale Shopping Park, Blackpool Road, Preston. Validated 19 July.
  • 1no illuminated and 2no non-illuminated fascia signs and 2no non-illuminated poster signs at 102-110, Blackpool Road, Preston. Validated 19 July.
  • Certificate of Lawfulness for proposed single storey side extension at 7, Green Acre, Preston. Validated 20 July.
  • Variation of condition 5 (material details) of planning permission 06/2020/1207 which sought the variation of condition 1 (Approved plans) pursuant to planning permission 06/2019/0182 for 2no. dwellings and associated landscaping following partial demolition of boundary wall at Land adjacent to, 39 Lower Bank Road, Fulwood, Preston. Validated 27 July.
  • Crown lift between 4-5 metres and reduce canopy 2 – 3 meters 1no. Common Oak tree at 6, The Drive, Preston. Validated 20 July.
  • Reserved matters consent application for the erection of 55no. dwellings with associated works pursuant to planning permission 06/2018/0238 (appearance, layout, scale and landscaping applied for) at Cardwells Farm, Garstang Road, Preston. Validated 20 July.
  • Courtyard extensions, comprising 2 single storey modular units (132 & 24 m2) to provide additional recovery and decontamination spaces for existing endoscopy unit at Endoscopy, Royal Preston Hospital, Sharoe Green Lane, Preston. Validated 27 July.
  • Graveyard extension at St Michaels Church, Preston Road, Preston. Validated 20 July.
  • Roof extension involving 2no rear dormer windows. Removal of the existing rooflights at Bramley Barn, Back Lane, Goosnargh, Preston. Validated 29 July.
  • Conversion of existing flat roof area into roof terrace with seating area. Extension to existing balcony area to provide access to proposed roof terrace with associated access and glass balustrade at Preston Golf Club, Fulwood Hall Lane, Preston. Validated 21 July.
  • Two storey side extension following demolition of the existing side extension. First floor rear balcony. New front porch at 10 Whiteholme Place, Preston. Validated 21 July.
  • Canopies of all trees that are adjacent the Manchester Road and Selbourne Street boundaries of the main campus are raised to give a minimum of 2m clearance above railings, giving approximate canopy heights after works of 4-6m above ground level, trees located adjacent the rear boundary of neighbouring properties on Selborne Street, canopies of these trees are raised in height and reduced in spread over neighbouring properties by approx. 3-4m at Cardinal Newman College, Lark Hill Road, Preston. Validated 22 July.
  • Replacement of existing roof and replacement with higher pitched roof including front and rear dormer windows and new side gable window. Redesign of ground floor in collaboration with new 1st floor layout at Park Dene , 99 Darkinson Lane, Preston. Validated 30 July.
  • Submission of details of conditions 3 (Noise), 4 (Surface Water Drainage Scheme) and 5 (Site Investigation) pursuant to planning permission 06/2020/0397 at Land adjacent Kiln Lodge, Station Lane, Preston. Validated 26 July.
  • Fell and remove 1no. Beech tree at St Georges Church, Georges Road, Preston. Validated 22 July.
  • Amendment to planning permission 06/2021/0718 for Raising of the roof to create two storey dwelling with pitched roof, two storey side and rear extensions, single storey side and rear extensions, front porch and square ground floor bay, following demolition of existing garage. Amendment include change the exterior material appearance of the house and garage (non-material amendment not subject to consultation) at Norcon, 22 Tower Lane, Preston. Validated 19 July.
  • Amendment to planning permission 06/2020/1400 dated 15/03/2021 for reserved matters application (namely appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) pursuant to outline permission 06/2018/1282 for 139no. dwellings and associated works. Amendments include altering the handing of plots 65 and 66 to facilitate the construction of plot 67, addition to the drive access, separate footpaths to the front doors of some plots, alterations to S38, alterations to fence and post, alterations to eaves (non-material amendment not subject to consultation) at Former, Ribbleton Hospital, Miller Road, Preston. Validated 21 July.
  • Submission of details of condition 3 (archaeological building recording and analysis) pursuant to planning permission 06/2021/0456 dated 01/06/2021 at Parkinson House, 68, West Cliff, Preston. Validated 26 July.
  • Two storey side extension following demolition of the existing side extension. Single front extension and timber fencing to the front and party boundary at 8, Primrose Lane, Preston. Validated 26 July.
  • Part single, part two storey side and rear extension at 5, Bill Shankly Crescent, Preston. Validated 29 July.
  • Submission of details of condition 19 (Construction Environmental Method Statement) pursuant to planning permission 06/2019/0365 dated 10/09/2020 at Former, Whittingham Hospital, Whittingham Lane, Broughton, Preston. Validated 26 July.
  • 2no. two storey dwellings. Erection of a new entrance wall at the corner of Durton Lane and Midgery Lane at Land adjacent to Daniels Farm, Durton Lane, Preston. Validated 27 July.
  • Part single, part two storey front, side and rear extensions following demolition of the existing garage and conservatory. Extension to existing front garage. New front porch at 10, Foregate, Preston. Validated 27 July.
  • Prior notification submission for change of use of agricultural buildings to dwelling houses (Class C3) at Swillbrook Farm Barn, Catforth Road, Catforth, Preston. Validated 26 July.
  • Permission in Principle for 1no. dwellings at Adamsons Farm, Cuddy Hill, Preston. Validated 27 July.
  • Amendment to planning permission 06/2019/1347 for erection of 2no. part two/part three storey retirement apartment buildings (Class C2) with associated landscaping and car parking and new access off Woodplumpton Lane (resubmission of 06/2018/0859), amendments include minor alterations to building footprint to suit structural frame from detailed design and amendments to proposed elevation materials (non-material amendment not subject to consultation) at 521, A Touch Of Spice, Garstang Road, Preston. Validated 27 July.
  • Ecclesiastical Exemption Notification for proposed stripping of the roof covering to the south side of the main roof and the west side of the organ loft. Associated works to repair and renew the rainwater goods. Renewal of the lead work and timber repairs to the main structure at St Walburges Church, Weston Street, Preston. Validated 29 July.

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