An unimpressed Cottam resident contacted Blog Preston to voice his concerns about the roadworks in the area which have been taking longer than he anticipated.
He said: “A small stretch of road that runs up to Cottam Post Office on Hoyles Lane, Cottam has been undergoing a road improvement scheme for the past 16 weeks.
“This scheme involves constructing a new section of road with associated pavements et cetera.
“The works should’ve taken eight weeks to complete but now 16 weeks on the newly constructed road has been deemed not fit for purpose and will have to be rebuilt to a new design!
“No doubt this malfunction will be attributed to Covid-19 as a one size fits all excuse for incompetence and poor standards of work.”
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A spokesperson for Lancashire County Council said: “This section of road is being improved by a local housing developer as part of an agreement with the council.
“As part of our supervision of the work we asked the developer’s design team to re-look at part of the scheme to ensure suitable visibility for all road users.
“Temporary signals are currently in use, and we apologise for any disruption this is causing, however ensuring the safety of road users is our main priority.”
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Blog Preston contacted Cllr Trevor Hart of Ingol and Cottam Ward regarding the frustration the roadworks are causing local residents.
He said: “I am looking into this as it is outside my ward but impacts on it. This work has already caused considerable disruption and although necessary has been difficult to residents with constant failure of traffic light controls.
“This latest issue that looks like more work will be needed and a lengthy delay will create further disruption to already frustrated residents.
“This clearly needs immediate and effective action not just to resolve mistakes if that is the case but to complete work at speed. I will be asking for answers.”
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