
Preston council says new development ‘won’t overwhelm infrastructure’, despite residents’ concerns after homes flooded with sewage

Posted on - 22nd July, 2021 - 12:00pm | Author - | Posted in - Preston City Centre, Preston Council, Preston News, Redevelopment, Winckley Square
Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service attend the latest Garden Street flooding
Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service attend the latest Garden Street flooding

Preston City Council says a new city centre development won’t “overwhelm local sewage infrastructure”, despite further recent flooding at nearby properties.

The Council made the statement after residents in Garden Street off Winckley Square told Blog Preston their properties had been flooded with sewage following heavy rainfall on Monday 12 July.

Residents expressed concern that the new development – which will see the former Cardinal Newman sports hall demolished and replaced with a high-rise apartment block – would increase the risk of further flooding.

Local Gloria Sayers said the latest flooding had caused distress, and requested action from the Council.

She said: “This is the fourth occasion my home and the homes along the road have been flooded with sewage causing untold damage, expense and distress.

“When are the Council and other authorities going to further investigate and take action for this not to happen again? Surely four times warrants immediate action.”

Knee-high water in one cottage cellar
Floodwater in one cottage cellar

Patrick and Ruth Sinclair also live in the street, and were once again flooded with sewage covering the basement floor.

They said: “We were promised the third time this happened that it ‘would not happen again’ yet here we are again having United Utilities cleaning and disinfecting our homes.

“Building work inĀ GardenĀ StreetĀ is commencing, resulting in many new apartments. If the drains and sewers cannot cope now what chance have any of us got for the future?Ā We need immediate investigation and rectification.”

Residents had previously lodged their concerns about the risk of further flooding as a result of the development.

Read more: Residentsā€™ flood risk concerns at site of planned Winckley Square flats

In late 2020, the Local Lead Flood Authority (LLFA) and United Utilities raised questions about the plans that had been submitted.

However Preston City Council were satisfied with the findings of a study into the impact of the new development on local infrastructure.

Chris Hayward, Director of Development and Housing at Preston City Council, said: ā€œPlanning permission for this development was granted following a thorough application process that involved multiple consultations with members of the public.

ā€œOur planning officers worked closely with the developers as well as Lancashire County Council (the Lead Local Flood Authority) and United Utilities to ensure the development would not overwhelm local sewage infrastructure.

ā€œDetailed modelling took place to predict the impact of this new development on local sewage systems and our planning officers, Lancashire County Council and United Utilities were satisfied with the findings.

ā€œThe maintenance and improvement of the sewage system is the responsibility of United Utilities.ā€

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