
Latest Preston planning applications for June 25 to July 2

Posted on - 11th July, 2021 - 12:00pm | Author - | Posted in - Preston Council, Preston News
Preston City Council town hall. Pic: Tony Worrall
Preston City Council town hall. Pic: Tony Worrall

Below are the planning applications registered with Preston City Council between June 25 and July 2.

  • Reserved matters application (namely scale, appearance, layout and landscaping) for 50no. dwellings and associated infrastructure pursuant to hybrid planning permission 06/2017/0757 at Parcel H, Ingol Golf Club, Wychnor, Preston. Validated 29 June.
  • Change of use of 6no. agricultural buildings to Class E (G)/B8, plus erection of 12no. mixed industrial use (Class E (G), B2 and B8) following the demolition of 6no. agricultural units, plus provision of 26 car parking spaces; concreting of existing hardstanding; installation of motion lighting; installation of new package treatment plant; erection of toilet block; and new internal access track from the existing access point at 1 Willbrig Cottage, 1 Willbrig Cottage, Roots Lane, Preston. Validated 8 June.
  • Single storey rear extensions and front porch at 41, Watling Street Road, Preston. Validated 21 June.
  • Part single, part two storey side and rear extension following demolition of existing utility room. Roof extension involving rear dormer window, 2no front facing rooflights. Replacement of front, side and rear windows at 29, Victoria Road, Preston. Validated 21 June.
  • Amendment to rear boundary wall to Belmont Close (Retrospective planning permission) at 24, Belmont Avenue, Preston. Validated 22 June.
  • Single storey rear extension at Withy House 813, Whittingham Lane, Preston. Validated 22 June.
  • Temporary siting of a mobile home as living accommodation for 18 months in association with the implementation of Application no: 06/2016/0541 at The Bunker, Whittingham Lane, Broughton. Validated 23 June.
  • Demolition and replacement of existing garage at 283, New Hall Lane, Preston. Validated 29 June.
  • Roof extension involving hip to gable, rear dormer window and 2no front facing rooflights at 28, Savick Road, Preston. Validated 24 June.
  • Erection of raised platform at rear following erection of a single storey disabled bathroom extension to rear and extension to external raised platform deck to rear (Planning ref. 06/2020/0313) (Retrospective Application) at 261, Selborne Street, Preston. Validated 24 June.
  • Single storey rear extension and two storey side extension at 6 Billington Court, Preston. Validated 25 June.
  • Listed Building Consent for replacement of existing front sliding sash window to double glazed window at 5, Regent Street, Preston. Validated 24 June.
  • Fell and remove 1no. Cherry tree at Fulwood Lodge, Longsands Lane, Preston. Validated 25 June.
  • Single modular outbuilding and installation of an additional bicycle shelter at Broughton High School, WoodplumptonLane, Preston. Validated 28 June.
  • Prior notification submission for erection of an agricultural building at Oak Bank, Mill Lane, Goosnargh, Preston. Validated 25 June.
  • Outbuilding to rear (Retrospective Application) at 68, Black Bull Lane, Preston. Validated 29 June.
  • Replacement of existing windows at 74, Watling Street Road, Preston. Validated 28 June.
  • Certificate of Lawfulness for proposed roof extension at 16 Westway, Preston. Validated 28 June.
  • Alterations to the car park and the vehicle turning arrangements at Archbishop Temple C of E Secondary School, St Vincents Road, Preston. Validated 28 June.
  • Listed Building Consent for alterations to the carpark and the vehicle turning arrangements at Archbishop Temple C of E Secondary School, St Vincents Road, Preston. Validated 28 June.
  • Single storey side and rear extension at Moorbrook Inn, 370 North Road, Preston. Validated 29 June.
  • 1no. two storey dwelling with double garage at Land to rear of, Popes Farm, Woodplumpton Lane, Preston. Validated 29 June.
  • Single storey side and rear extension following demolition of existing single storey rear and side bay windows at 7, Cavendish Crescent, Preston. Validated 29 June.
  • Regularise external stock heights to 5.5 metres, and modification of existing parking arrangements at Travis Perkins, Tulketh Brow, Preston. Validated 29 June.
  • Submission of details of condition 3 (Energy Efficiency) pursuant to planning permission 06/2020/1150 dated 13/04/2021 at Bhailok Court, Pole Street, Preston. Validated 29 June.
  • Certificate of Lawful development for proposed single storey rear extension and conversion of the existing garage into habitable room, insertion of window to replace garage doors at 9, Consort Road, Preston. Validated 29 June.
  • Submission of details of conditions 5 (Landscaping) 6 (Site Remediation Strategy) 7 (Landscaping) 9 and 10 (Lighting) pursuant to planning permission 06/2019/1182 dated 14/02/2020 at Bell Fold Yard, Moorside Lane, Preston. Validated 30 June.
  • Change of use of motorcycle dealership to non food retail (Use Class E(a)) at The Strand Bar, West Strand, Preston. Validated 30 June.
  • Change of use of vacant retail property (Class E(a)) to hot food takeaway (Sui Generis) at 65, Meadow Street, Preston. Validated 29 June.
  • Replacement of rear door and window, enlargement of doorway in the kitchen dividing wall. Refurbishment of sash window and replacement of non-original casement windows at 21, Ribblesdale Place, Preston. Validated 28 June.
  • Listed Building Consent for replacement of rear door and window, enlargement of doorway in the kitchen dividing wall. Refurbishment of sash window and replacement of non-original casement windows at 21, Ribblesdale Place, Preston. Validated 28 June.
  • Single storey rear extension. Part conversion of garage into habitable room at 32 Danvers Way, Preston. Validated 30 June.
  • Roof extension involving alterations to the existing hip to gable, raising of the ridge height and changes to rear windows. Alterations to rear of the existing garage. Replacement of existing windows and doors at 12, Chapman Road, Preston. Validated 30 June.
  • Part single, part two storey side extension at 199, Hoyles Lane, Preston. Validated 30 June.
  • Two storey rear extension with basement level following demolition of the existing conservatory at Half Moon Cottage, Cottam Lane, Preston. Validated 30 June.
  • Non-material amendment to planning permission 06/2018/1243 dated 09/04/18 for Approval of reserved matters (siting, design, and external appearance of the buildings and the landscaping of the site) relating to outline permission no 06/2014/0902. Amendments include reorientation of plot 26 (non-material amendment not subject to consultation at Land off Preston Road, Grimsargh, Preston, Lancashire. Validated 30 June.
  • Non-material amendment to planning permission 06/2016/1039 dated 14/09/2018 for 93no. dwellings, access, landscaping and ancillary works. Amendments include new levels for Plots 19 – 29, Plots 36 and 37 moved back 200mm, Plots 17 and 18 moved toward Plot 16 driveway of Plot 83 lengthened to accommodate 2no. cars, Plots 92 and 93 visibility splay added (non-material amendment no subject to consultation) at Land to rear of, Holme Fell, Goosnargh Lane, Preston. Validated 1 July.
  • Non-material amendment to reserved matters permission 06/2020/0766 to vary the approved plans reference numbers of conditions no.1 (non material amendment not subject to consultation) at Elston Grange, Elston Lane, Preston. Validated 1 July.

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