
Latest Preston planning applications for July 9 to 16

Posted on - 25th July, 2021 - 12:00pm | Author - | Posted in - Housing, Preston Council, Preston News
Preston City Council town hall. Pic: Tony Worrall
Preston City Council town hall. Pic: Tony Worrall

Below are the planning applications registered with Preston City Council between July 9 and 16.

  • Single-storey side extension following demolition of the existing conservatory and alterations to vehicular access and front boundary at The Old School House, 103 Preston Road, Grimsargh, Preston. Validated July 14.
  • Change of use from residential (Class C3) to six-bed HMO (house in multiple occupancy) (Class C4) at 195 Tulketh Brow, Preston. Validated July 6.
  • Removal of condition 4 (Plant Stock) pursuant to planning permission 06/2020/0533 for front extension to store comprising open roof mesh fence structure to form an open air outdoor garden sales area at B and M Bargains, Carlisle Street, Preston. Validated July 12.
  • 3 no. detached dwellings and artisan building with associated works following the redevelopment of Ye Horns Inn and change of use of a micro-brewery to a retail unit at The Horns Inn, Horns Lane, Preston. Validated July 14.
  • Listed building consent for development of 3no. detached dwellings and artisan building with associated works following the redevelopment of Ye Horns Inn and change of use of a micro-brewery to a retail unit at The Horns Inn, Horns Lane, Preston. Validated July 13.
  • Reserved matters application (namely appearance, landscape, layout and scale) pursuant to outline permission 06/2019/0365 for 21 no. dwellings with associated means of access, site infrastructure, garages, car parking, landscaping and open space at Phase 3A, Whittingham Hospital, Whittingham Lane, Broughton, Preston. Validated July 6.
  • 6 no. holiday chalets in association with Woodfold Fisheries at Woodfold Farm, Crombleholme Fold, Preston. Validated July 7.
  • Single-storey side and rear extension following demolition of existing detached garage at 1 South View , School Lane, Preston. Validated July 9.
  • Construction of a lift shaft to existing four storey commercial building at Askews, 218-222 North Road, Preston. Validated July 9.
  • Two storey rear infill extension with flat roof. New pitched roof over existing front with extension to rear. Erection of a rear garden room at 3 Princes Drive, Preston. Validated July 9.
  • Erection of 2 no. four storey buildings to provide student accommodation with ancillary commercial space at ground floor (pursuant to 06/2016/0828 to seek variation of condition 1 (Plans) 6 (BREEAM) at Innovation House, Sizer Street, Preston. Validated July 9.
  • Front porch at Chapel View Barn, Chapel Lane, Preston. Validated July 8.
  • Two storey side extension, with balcony to rear, following demolition of conservatory at 7 Magnolia Close, Preston. Validated July 9.
  • Extension to existing detached garage at 24 Redwood Drive, Preston at Preston Rural North. Validated July 9.
  • Amendment to planning permission 06/2021/0262 for erection of front porch, relocation of soil pipe and erection of outbuilding. Amendments include reduction in outbuilding size (non-material amendment no subject to consultation) at Woodheys Farm, Horns Lane, Preston. Validated July 12.
  • Proposed new plant equipment at land at the corner Of Haydocks Lane and Merrytrees Lane, Preston. Validated July 12.
  • Change of use of vacant flats (Use Class C3) to Forensic Scene Training Rooms (Use Class F1) at 34-42 Adelphi Street, 53-56a Harrington Street and 3-7a St Peters Street, Preston. Validated July 12.
  • Certificate of Lawfulness for existing use of property as 2no self-contained flats at 18 Alert Street, Preston. Validated July 12.
  • Single-storey rear extension. Raising of the roof height to the rear of the property and replacement of the roof lights to the north elevation at Crooklands Barn, Langley Lane, Preston. Validated July 12.
  • Reserved matters application pursuant to outline planning application: 06/2016/0046, for the residential development of up to 210 units, landscaping, support infrastructure and means of access. Approval is being sought for the following: access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale at Sidgreaves Lane, Lea Road and Lancaster Canal – Cottam Hall, Lea, Preston. Validated July 9.
  • Prior notification submission for change of use from offices (Class E) to residential (Class C3) 24 units at Deltic House, West Strand, Preston. Validated July 14.
  • Change of use from dwelling house (C3) to children’s home (C2) at 163 Waterloo Road, Preston. Validated July 12.
  • Submission of details of conditions 3 and 4 (noise assessment) pursuant to planning permission 06/2020/0287 at Buckingham House, Glovers Court, Preston. Validated July 14.
  • 1 no. two storey dwelling at land to west of Moorside Villa, Moorside Lane, Preston. Validated July 13.
  • Submission of details of conditions 13 (Sustainable drainage management and maintenance plan) and 15 (Water main protection measures) of planning permission 06/2019/0365 at Former Whittingham Hospital, Whittingham Lane, Broughton, Preston. Validated July 12.
  • Reserved matters application for the continuation of the Spine Road at Former Whittingham Hospital, Whittingham Lane, Broughton, Preston. Validated July 12.
  • Internally illuminated 48-sheet (6m by 3m) digital poster display and a vertical meadow green wall at land adjacent to 277 London Road, Preston. Validated July 13.
  • Certificate of Lawfulness for proposed change of use from C3 (Residential) to a six bedroom C4 (HMO) including conversion of the existing garage at 27 Broadgate, Preston. July 12.
  • 1 no. detached dwelling and garage at Slaters Farm, 207 Whittingham Lane, Preston. Validated July 13.
  • Erection of garden room at Tandridge, Durton Lane, Preston. Validated July.
  • 1 no. non-illuminated double sided v-board sign and one flagpole sign at land at Cumeragh Lane and Camforth Hall Lane, Goosnargh, Preston. Validated July 14.
  • 1 no. totem sign at 5 Wyder Court, Preston. Validated July 14.
  • Single-storey side extension at 11 Kilruddery Road, Preston. Validated July 14.
  • Outline application for 5no. dwellings seeking approval for access and layout (all other matters reserved) at Sumners Farm, Cow Hill, Preston. Validated July 14.

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