
Latest Preston planning applications for June 4 to 11

Posted on - 20th June, 2021 - 12:00pm | Author - | Posted in - Preston Council, Preston News
Preston City Council town hall. Pic: Tony Worrall
Preston City Council town hall. Pic: Tony Worrall

Below are the planning applications registered with Preston City Council between June 4 and 11.

  • Change of use residential (Class C3) to HMO (Class C4) at 24 Waterloo Road, Preston. Validated 10 June.
  • 1no. replacement dwelling following demolition of existing bungalow at Kitchen Green, Midgery Lane, Preston. Validated 7 June.
  • Two storey side extension with balcony to front following demolition of existing garage at 31, Black Bull Lane, Preston. Validated 7 June.
  • 1no. agricultural livestock building following demolition of existing barn at Little Westfield Farm, Goosnargh Lane, Preston. Validated 7 June.
  • 8no. dwellings including garages and associated infrastructure, following demolition of all existing buildings on site at Church Hill Farm, Durton Lane, Preston. Validated 4 June.
  • Listed Building Consent for demolition and re-build of existing conservatory at 27, Frenchwood Knoll, Preston. Validated 9 June.
  • Two/single storey side extension at 74A, Fishwick View, Preston. Validated 9 June.
  • Crown reduction and thinning by approximately 2 metres 1no. Cherry Blossom tree at 6, Manor Avenue, Preston. Validated 7 June.
  • Replacement windows to all elevations of the first and second floor levels at Crystal House,135, Fishergate, Preston. Validated 10 June.
  • Amendment to planning permission 06/2020/1018 comprising of reduction in width of single and two storey side/rear extension and increase in projection of two storey front extension (non material amendment not subject to consultation) at Tandridge, Durton Lane, Preston. Validated 3 June.
  • Change of use from a Bank (class E(c)(i)) to a drinking establishment (Sui Generis) at 2-4, Adelphi Street, Preston. Validated 3 June.
  • Single storey side and rear extension following demolition of existing conservatory at 7, Meadowbarn Close, Preston. Validated 1 June.
  • Two storey side and rear extension at 48, Seymour Road, Preston. Validated 2 June.
  • Fell and remove 3no. Ash trees at 9, Uplands Chase, Preston. Validated 1 June.
  • Reserved matters application seeking approval of layout, scale, appearance and landscaping pursuant to outline planning permission 06/2018/1240 for 1no. dwelling at Prospect House, 236, Woodplumpton Road, Woodplumpton, Preston. Validated 2 June.
  • Variation of condition 5 (occupancy of development) of planning permission 06/2017/0999 for demolition of existing building and erection of student accommodation in four to six storeys, comprising 425 self-contained studio apartments with communal facilities including gym, prayer room, lounges and study spaces, 1no. roof terrace and a library, ground floor commercial space to provide two units for: sale of food and drink for consumption (mostly on the premises) (Use Class E(b)); and public house, wine bar or drinking establishment (Sui Generis); and drinking establishment with expanded food provision (Sui Generis) at Sizer House, Moor Lane, Preston. Validated 2 June.
  • Amendment to planning permission 06/2020/0418 comprising of changes to extension to side (non material amendment not subject to consultation) at 3, The Triangle, Preston. Validated 2 June.
  • Two and single storey extension to side, hip to gable roof and dormer to rear at 365, Watling Street Road, Preston. Validated 2 June.
  • Certificate of Lawfulness for existing change of use of agricultural land to form extended residential curtilage, single storey extension to rear of dwelling and detached timber store at Bracadale 56, Lightfoot Lane, Preston. Validated 3 June.
  • Discharge of condition no.12 (Surface Water Drainage Scheme) attached to planning permission 06/2020/0200 at Aldi, Deepdale Shopping Park, Blackpool Road, Preston. Validated 3 June.
  • Siting of 2no. portacabins for office accommodation (3-year temporary period) at Oakhill Veterinary Centre, Langley Lane, Preston. Validated 3 June.
  • Change of use of land to temporary surface car park (renewal of existing permission 06/2019/0208) at Land on the Northwest Side of Queen Street, Preston. Validated 4 June.
  • Replacement of existing septic tank with new treatment plant at Shepherds Hill Farm, Fernyhalgh Lane, Preston. Validated 3 June.
  • Replacement of existing septic tank with new treatment plant at Wood Nook Farm, Horns Lane, Preston. Validated 3 June.
  • Change of use from retail (Class E(a)) to restaurant/cafe (Class E(b)), outdoor seating area and extract flue to rear at 93, Fishergate, Preston. Validated 4 June.
  • Single storey side and rear extension following demolition of existing single storey side extension and single storey rear bay window at 3, Brookfield Drive, Preston. Validated 4 June.
  • 15no. internally illuminated signs and 6no. non illuminated signs at Lea Gate Petrol Filling Station, Blackpool Road, Preston. Validated 7 June.
  • Change of use of first and second floors from offices (Class E) to 4no. self-contained flats (Class C3) at 7 and 8, Winckley Street, Preston. Validated 4 June.
  • Listed Building Consent for change of use of first and second floors from offices (Class E) to 4no. self contained flats (Class C3), internal and external alterations at 7 and 8, Winckley Street, Preston. Validated 4 June.
  • Single storey side and rear extension (resubmission of previously approved application 06/2017/0319) at 4, St Margarets Close, Preston. Validated 7 June.
  • Prior notification submission for change of use from agricultural building to 1no. dwelling at Agricultural Building North of Oak House, Pudding Pie Nook Lane, Preston. Validated 8 June.
  • Discharge of conditions no.3 (Energy Efficiency), no.4 (Ecology) pursuant to planning permission 06/2020/1294 at The Orchard, Eaves Lane, Preston. Validated 8 June.
  • Construction of access point off the East-West Link Road and associated works at Land between Sandy Lane and Tabley Lane, Higher Bartle, Preston, Lancashire. Validated 7 June.
  • Raise canopy by 5.2m and thin by 20% 2no. Lime trees, raise canopy by 5.2m and thin by 20% 1no. Sycamore tree and raise canopy by 5.2m and thin by 20% 1no. Beech tree, remove deadwood and epicormic growth from 1no. Sycamore and Beech trees at St Georges Church, Georges Road, Preston. Validated 8 June.

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