
Latest Preston planning applications for June 11 to 18

Posted on - 27th June, 2021 - 12:00pm | Author - | Posted in - Preston Council, Preston News
Preston City Council town hall. Pic: Tony Worrall
Preston City Council town hall. Pic: Tony Worrall

Below are the planning applications registered with Preston City Council between June 11 and 18.

  • Change of use to 18 no. bed house in multiple occupation above ground floor retail premises at 89 Church Street, Preston. Validated 14 June.
  • 5 no. dwellings, car parking and all other associated works at Land to the rear of the (former) Boars Head Inn, 724 Garstang Road, Preston. Validated 16 June.
  • Siting of a single storey steel container for the use as a hot food takeaway (Sui Generis), including the installation of timber cladding at Hillcrest Petrol Filling Station, 235 Tag Lane, Preston. Validated 16 June.
  • Permission in Principle for 4 no. dwellings at Land West of, Archers Farm, Whittle Hill, Preston. Validated 1 June.
  • Replacement of conservatory roof with mono-pitch,two storey rear extension at 39, Elm Avenue, Preston. Validated 24 May.
  • Single storey side and rear extension, following demolition of existing rear extension and part-demolition of existing detached garage at 57, Woodplumpton Road, Ashton, Preston. Validated 15 June.
  • 1 no. dwelling at Land adjacent, Lightfoot Barn, Lightfoot Lane, Preston. Validated 3 June.
  • Conversion and extension of the existing garage into habitable room, insertion of window to replace garage door at 126, Conway Drive, Preston. Validated 9 June.
  • Replacement ground floor front elevation sliding sash window at 5 Regent Street, Preston. Validated 17 June.
  • Change of use from sandwich shop (Class E) to hot food takeaway (Sui Generis) at 69 New Hall Lane, Preston. Validated 11 June.
  • Change of Use from residential (Class C3) to small HMO (Class C4) (retrospective) at 74 Emmanuel Street, Preston. Validated 16 June.
  • Submission of details of conditions 4 (Intrusive site investigation) 5 (Surface water drainage scheme) 6 (Sustainable urban draining) 7 (Dwelling emission rate) 10 (Tree felling method statement) 11 (Amphibian method statement) 12 (Badger survey) 14 (Lighting plan) 15 (Enhancement management plan) 16 (Construction and environmental management plan) 17 (Site access/off-site works) pursuant to planning permission 06/2018/1282 at Former Ribbleton Hospital, Miller Road, Preston. Validated 7 June.
  • Single storey rear extension to accommodate garage and utility/wc at 37-39, Victoria Parade, Preston. Validated 9 June.
  • 1 no. dwelling and garage and associated landscaping at Land west of, Beccons all Farm, Bartle Lane, Preston. Validated 9 June.
  • Change of use of 6 no. agricultural buildings to Class E (G)/B8, plus erection of 12 no. mixed industrial use (Class E(G), B2 and B8) following the demolition of 6 no. agricultural units, plus provision of 26 car parking spaces; concreting of existing hard standing; installation of motion lighting; installation of new package treatment plant; erection of toilet block; and new internal access track from the existing access point at 1 Willbrig Cottage, 1 Willbrig Cottage, Roots Lane, Preston. Validated 8 June.
  • Part single, part two storey side and rear extensions at 69, Cadley Causeway, Preston. Validated 8 June.
  • Listed Building Consent for replacement ground floor front elevation sliding sash window at 5, Regent Street, Preston. Validated 9 June.
  • Certificate of Lawfulness for proposed roof extension involving side/rear dormer window at 6, Withy Parade, Preston. Validated 9 June.
  • Erection of a garage and associated driveway and extension of existing play area with associated tarmacked area at Queens Drive Primary School, Black Bull Lane, Preston. Validated 16 June.
  • Prior notification submission for change of use from Offices (Class E) to Dwelling houses (Class C3) 29 units at Lancashire House, 24, Winckley Square, Preston. Validated 10 June.
  • 1 no. agricultural livestock building at Latus Hall Farm, Carron Lane, Preston. Validated 11 June.
  • Single storey rear extension at 24 St Chads Road, Preston. Validated 18 June.
  • Certificate of Lawfulness for proposed single storey side and rear extension at 36, Teil Green, Preston. Validated 17 June.
  • 1 no single storey dwelling with new vehicular access at 31, Tower Green, Preston. Validated 11 June.
  • Single storey rear extension at 49, Lowthorpe Road, Preston. Validated 11 June.
  • Change of use of building from a 30-bed student House of Multiple Occupation (Sui Generis) to a 30-bed homeless refuge House of Multiple Occupation (Sui Generis) at 68 Tulketh Road, Preston. Validated 11 June.
  • Listed Building Consent for external works to the existing windows, erection of non-load bearing partitions to form two new en-suites, replacement of internal doors with fire doors and re-wiring at 11, St Ignatius Square, Preston. Validated 14 June.
  • Change of use of from residential (Class C3) to offices (Class E) at 87, Moor Park Avenue, Preston. Validated 14 June.
  • Two storey rear extension, alteration to ground floor front and rear elevations including new windows at 155 Savick Way, Preston. Validated 14 June.
  • Listed Building Consent for change of use to 18 no.bed house in multiple occupation above ground floor retail premises, internal and external alterations at 89, Church Street, Preston. Validated 14 June.
  • 1 no. two storey detached house with integral garage with associated access, associated amenity space with hard and soft landscaping at Haighton Barn, Haighton Green Lane, Preston. Validated 14 June.
  • Discharge of condition no.4 (Ecology) attached to planning permission 06/2020/1368 at Turner House Farm, Langley Lane, Preston. Validated 15 June.
  • Listed Building Consent for alterations and repairs to existing roof works, existing internal walls and to first and second floors at 133, The Old Dog, Church Street, Preston. Validated 15 June.
  • Modification of Section 106 agreement relating to affordable housing attached to planning permission 06/2020/0167 at Land off Garstang Road, Barton, Validated 15 June.
  • First floor extension to form offices ancillary to the use as veterinary surgery at 2a, Lytham Road, Preston. Validated 15 June.

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