
Search continues for Nelly the missing French Bulldog from Longridge

Posted on - 1st April, 2021 - 10:54am | Author - | Posted in - Longridge, Preston News, Ribble Valley News
Nelly has gone missing from his home in Longridge
Nelly has gone missing from her home in Longridge

Nelly a missing French Bulldog was last seen at her owners home on Kestor Lane Wednesday (31 March).

The small pup has been described by owners to be female and ‘grey and tan’ in colour.

Nelly has been missing from her home for more than 24-hours.

Owner Ellie Simmons from Longridge said: “Nelly went missing from our garden at 9am in the morning. We are desperate to get her home.”

Ellie, the owner of Nelly

Ellie and her family are appealing to anyone who may have dash-cam footage or house surveillance in Longridge around 8.45am to 9.15am on Wednesday morning in attempts to find the French Bulldog.

A search party walk has also been arranged as the disappearance of Nelly has sparked concern in the community. Ellie is pleading with Longridge residents to ‘bring Nelly home’ and help her in the search for the small dog at 6pm Thursday 1 April.

Arranged search walk to find missing French Bulldog

Charlie Aston, friend to Ellie has said: “A lot of people are asking if she got out the garden or was stolen. At this point we do not know but we need to cover all bases.

“Searching the area thoroughly will help if she has wandered but also keep sharing her and raising Nelly’s awareness will make her too hot to handle if someone has taken her.”

The family have advised searchers to avoid approaching Nelly at speed if she is spotted, to keep eyes on her and call the number provided.

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