A Fulwood resident says he has continuously complained about the poor lighting on Tower Green due to broken lampposts and poor visibility at night.
A stabbing also took place in this area in 2019 however it is not known whether the lack of light would have contributed to the crime.
The resident, who asked not to be named, said: “My partner, along with many other nurses who walk down Tower Lane onto Tower Green in order to enter and exit the estate are doing so in complete darkness.
“It is dangerous in that it is easy to trip but also due to being so dark that someone could be hiding. My main concern is that most of the foot traffic on this path are lone nurses heading to and from work.”
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The Fulwood resident said he had raised the issue with his local councillor a number of times since autumn 2020.
Lancashire County Council, since being approached by Blog Preston, have issued a response to the street lighting complaint.
A spokesman for Lancashire County Council said: “We have received correspondence from the local city councillor for this area following concerns raised with him about various issues relating to street lighting in the Fulwood area.
“We’re aware of an issue with a street light on Foregate which is in the process of being replaced following a traffic incident, and have noted that lighting levels could be improved on the path behind St Peter’s School towards Meadowfield if excessive foliage and overhanging trees were to be cut back. We are due to contact the school to ask them to carry out maintenance to their trees.
“Some of the concerns raised were about the level of lighting on roads and paths which we are not responsible for maintaining as they have not been adopted by the county council, however we have carried out an inspection and assessed the roads that we do maintain, and the levels of lighting were found to be comparable to other roads in the surrounding area.”
The resident felt that the main concern is female safety whilst walking alone at night as multiple nurses walk this route.
However, he also told Blog Preston that property developers were given planning permission for new homes in Towee Lane with the condition of installing new lighting and the houses were built but no were lights installed. Preston City Council also responded after being contacted by Blog Preston about the issue.
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Councillor Peter Moss, Deputy Leader and Cabinet member for planning and regulation, said in a statement released in late March: “Street lighting is important to help residents feel safer when it is dark, and because of this we often prioritise it in the conditions included in relevant developments, where not already provided by Lancashire County Council.
“Unfortunately planning is a complex matter even for what can appear to be small and straightforward developments.
“Outline planning permission was granted for five dwellings on Tower Lane in November 2019 with the condition that street lighting is installed as part of the scheme. However, a further planning application is required before work can begin on the five dwellings.
“As such the installation of the street lights is not set to begin until the additional planning application is considered and, should it be successful, a timescale for their installation is agreed.”
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