Lancashire County Council‘s cabinet has approved proposals to expand Sir Tom Finney Community High School.
The plans to open the top floor of the Ribbleton school will see an extra 72 places provided for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
Numerous consultations were undertaken with staff, pupils and parents before the decision was made to approve the proposals.
Despite the capacity of pupils growing, there will not be an increase in pupils per classroom due to the expansion.
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The official proposal states: “The proposal remains to expand Sir Tom Finney Community High School by adapting the upper floor that is not used currently to create additional classrooms and teaching space.
“This proposal will enable the council to fulfil its statutory duties in relation to making the provision needed for a greater number of children and young people with special educational needs in the south area of the county.
“It is likely that children and young people with special educational needs who attend the school currently will be affected during the time building work is being undertaken.”
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Steps will also be taken to ensure that the impact of the building work will be minimal.
County Councillor Phillippa Williamson, cabinet member for children, young people and schools, said: “These new facilities will bring huge improvements to support children with special educational needs and disabilities.
“By developing Sir Tom Finney Community High School, we’ll provide a range of additional specialised support for young people.
“These superb teaching facilities will help us to support children and young people to achieve their full potential in education, learning and future employment.”
The improvements are part of the Council’s long-term SEND strategy, which aims to provide learning opportunities, support children and young people to develop their talents and make a positive transition to adulthood.
The full proposal can be seen on the Lancashire County Council website.
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