
Preston Covid cycle lane branded ‘dangerous’ by cyclists where it crosses rail track

Posted on - 10th March, 2021 - 7:00am | Author - | Posted in - Politics, Preston News, Roads, Transport
The section of cycle lane on Strand Road

Concerned cyclists have been voicing their complaints about a ‘dangerous’ section on a Covid cycle lanes.

The route on Strand Road between Broadgate and Preston Docks goes over a section of rail tracks, which is allegedly causing problems for many cyclists in the area.

One cyclist contacted Blog Preston to say that there have been a number of incidents have seen cyclists get their wheels stuck in the tracks, causing them to fall off their bikes.

Lancashire County Council has now said that they are working on a solution to this problem, which should be completed by the summer.

A spokesman for Lancashire County Council said: “We are aware of concerns about the privately owned rail crossing on Strand Road, and are currently working to design a permanent solution to this issue, with a scheme expected to be completed by the end of this summer.

The cycle lane has been called dangerous

“The temporary changes to the existing cycle lane through the crossing have been provided in response to expected increases in cycling levels during the restrictions affecting public transport capacity as a result of the pandemic.

“The intention of the barriers is to guide cyclists to the safer crossing point where they can cross the rails at a 90 degree angle.”

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