Graduation ceremonies are set to return to the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) this September.
Thousands of 2020 and summer 2021 graduates will finally have the chance to wear their cap and gown on the Preston campus between 6 and 17 September (subject to the government roadmap).
2020’s planned ceremonies in July and December were postponed due to the pandemic.
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Vice-Chancellor Professor Graham Baldwin said: “We’re absolutely delighted that our wonderful graduation ceremonies are returning.
“Graduation is my favourite time of the year as it represents everything that’s fantastic about our University – our students are recognised for their hard work and determination, our staff see the rewards of their effort and unwavering support, and our amazing campus is full of excitement and celebration.
“We understand how important these ceremonies are, not only for our graduating students but for their families too, so we can’t wait to welcome everybody back to celebrate the terrific achievements.”
At the end of last year, UCLan asked all new graduates if they would like to wait for a physical ceremony, knowing it would be dependent on Government restrictions, or if they would prefer an online ceremony.
Overwhelmingly, the majority wanted to celebrate the completion of their studies with their families and friends in the traditional way.
The University is also offering an alternative opportunity to those 2020 graduates who might not be able to attend one of the September ceremonies.
They will have the option of having their photo taken with family or friends in their cap and gown during the first two weeks in July.
Specific details on timings and dates will be sent directly to students in due course.
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