Have ewe herd the one about the delivery driver who spotted a flock of sheep in Ingol?
Ismail Nakhuda from Frenchwood made the woolly unexpected discovery while on his rounds in Threefields on Friday (12 March).
Ismail, who has been working throughout the pandemic delivering medicines for two local baamacies pharmacies, posted the video to his MrINakhuda YouTube channel, where he has over 4,000 followers.
Ismail said: “I deliver medicines every day and go to Ingol regularly and it’s the first time I’ve seen a flock of sheep grazing in a residential area!
“It’s not something you expect to see and all the residents were out looking at the sheep in amazement.
“The lady I delivered medicine to said that the police were coming. I do hope the sheep found their way back home safely.”
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Did you see the sheep in Ingol? Let us know in the comments.