
Almost 622,000 people now vaccinated across Lancashire and South Cumbria

Posted on - 12th March, 2021 - 11:57am | Author - | Posted in - Fylde News, Health, Preston News, Ribble Valley News, South Ribble News, Wyre News
The queuing area for the new vaccine hub will utilise the area between the Bus Station and St John's Shopping Centre Pic: Tony Worrall
The queuing area for the new vaccine hub will utilise the area between the Bus Station and St John’s Shopping Centre Pic: Tony Worrall

Almost 622,000 people have been vaccinated across Lancashire and South Cumbria since the start of the vaccine roll out.

Since December, many age groups have been covered and now Preston residents aged between 56-59 are able to book in their vaccination.

A new text invitation system has also been brought out by the NHS, to make booking and contacting people easier.

Read more: Preston’s Covid infection rate remains in England’s top 10 as Ribble Valley sees a sharp rise

However, despite recent improvements, Preston has risen back into the top 10 worst infection rates in the country.

South Ribble has also seen a sharp rise in cases this week.

New confirmed cases for Thursday (11 March) showed 28 new cases in Preston.

South Ribble saw 25 new coronavirus cases, Ribble Valley recorded 10 cases, Chorley up by 12, Wyre just four and Fylde just six new cases.

See the latest coronavirus cases near you

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