A planning application has been submitted to build up to 400 dwellings in South Ribble.
It seeks plans for the land off Croston Road and Moss Lane from Keepmoat homes.
Access to the site will be from ‘Tank Roundabout’ that connects Flensburg Way and Penwortham Way and via a new access road connected with Croston Road.
Read more: Updated plans for 139 houses on former Ribbleton Hospital site
The proposals include a slight increase in ground height in some areas of the site.
The Leyland application states that the rural area will get most of its noise from traffic on Croston Road and Flensburg Way.
Noise assessments have recommended that a scheme of sound insulation and noise mitigation measures to secure a reasonable degree of amenity for the future residents.
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However, this may not be needed in all properties.
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