For more planning applications in South Ribble, or where you live, click this link.
Outline application for residential development of up to 400 dwellings at the land off Croston Road and Moss Lane, Flensburg Way. Validated 12 January.
Application to discharge condition 15 (servicing and delivery strategy) of planning permission 07/2016/1171/FUL at Tesco Liverpool Road, Penwortham. Validated 12 January.
Amendments to approved Landscaping Scheme to include the removal of tree T10 and the inclusion of 3no trees (07/2020/00148/VAR) at the land off Croston Road and Moss Lane, Flensburg Way. Validated 12 January.
Application to Vary Condition No. 3 (approved plans) of planning permission 07/2019/11997/FUL to incorporate two storey rear projection and 2 No. dormers to the rear at Brookfield 66 Chain House Lane, Whitestake. Validated 11 January.
Single storey rear extension with flat roof at 20 Liverpool Old Road Much Hoole. Validated 11 January.
External alterations associated with subdivision of unit, alterations to car park to provide external seating area, installation of additional condenser units and associated works at Asda Stores 171 – 177 Towngate Leyland. Validated 11 January.
2 fascia signs and re-cladding of existing totem at Asda Stores 171 – 177 Towngate Leyland. Validated 11 January.
Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for a proposed single storey rear extension at 27 Mead Avenue Leyland. Validated 8 January.
Application for a lawful development certificate for an existing use for the conversion and extension of existing garage to create self-contained living accommodation (Annexe) at 222A Longmeanygate Leyland Preston. Validated 8 January.
Application for approval of reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for the erection of 399 residential dwellings, internal access roads, garages, public open space and associated infrastructure at the land off Croston Road and Moss Lane Flensburg Way. Validated 7 January.
Outline application for residential development of up to 400 dwellings (access applied for) at the land off Croston Road and Moss Lane Flensburg Way. Validated 7 January.
Demolition of existing farm buildings and construction of 121 dwellings (Use Class C3), including access, internal roads, garages, car parking and associated infrastructure at the land off Croston Road and Moss Lane Flensburg Way. Validated 7 January.
To provide temporary Welfare facilities for a period of 3-5 years. The facility will include the provision of 2 no. Double Stacked Canteen portacabins and the addition of Male and female toilets with the supply of above ground utilities. To ease access to the welfare cabins paved Pathways and painted safe routes will be applied around the facility. Localised illumination will be provided on and around the cabins with Photocell control the Advanced Manufacturing Facility Samlesbury Aerodrome Myerscough Smithy Road Balderstone Blackburn. Validated 5 January.
Application to discharge conditions 3 (materials) , 4 (contaminated land), 7 (emission rate) and 8 (emission rate) of planning permission 07/2019/0587/FUL at Fields Farm 102 Chapel Lane Longton. Validated 5 January.
Application to Discharge Condition No. 3 (fence details) and No. 12 (waste storage facilities) of permission 07/2020/00729/FUL at 20A Centurion Way Industrial Estate Centurion Way Farington. Validated 24 December 2020.
Provision of a rear fire escape to an existing first floor flat at 125A Towngate Leyland. Validated 23 December 2020.
Single storey extensions to front, side and rear at Melrose Rest Home 50 Moss Lane Leyland. Validated 23 December 2020.
Single storey rear and side extensions, with garage conversion and extension at Kelrose Preston New Road Samlesbury. Validated 22 December 2020.
Application to discharge Condition No. 2 of permission 07/2020/00659/FUL (details of the design and siting of the tower climbing frame) at Hurst Grange Park Hill Road Penwortham. Validated 22 December 2020.
Erection of a side extension including internal mezzanine floor at 220A Cocker Road Walton Summit Industrial Estate Bamber Bridge. Validated 22 December 2020.
Single storey rear extension, porch to front and loft conversion at 38 Withy Grove Crescent Bamber Bridge. Validated 21 December 2020.
Single storey side extension and porch to front at 2 Dalehead Road Leyland. Validated 21 December.
Certificate of Lawful Development for a single storey rear extension at 55 Slater Lane Leyland. Validated 22 December.
Single storey extension to side and rear at 119 Marsh Way Penwortham. Validated 8 January.
Proposed first-floor side extension above existing garage (re-submission – 07/2020/00261/HOH) at 5 Medway Close Lostock Hall. Validated 18 December 2020.
Erection of 1no. detached dwellinghouse (part two storey) following demolition of former Post Office (Re-submission of 07/2020/00558/FUL) at Whitestake Post Office Chain House Lane Whitestake. Validated 13 January.
Single storey side extension at 6 Brennand Close Bamber Bridge. Validated 18 December 2020.
Part two storey, part single storey rear extension at 10 St Saviours Close Bamber Bridge. Validated 8 January.
1 No. detached two storey dwelling following demolition of existing barn together with the change of use of land to domestic curtilage. Conversion of existing stable to home office retaining the attached garage/store together with the erection of stable block (previously approved), relocation of menage and associated lighting. Formation of new access and hardstandings at 188 Longmeanygate Midge Hall Leyland. Validated 17 December 2020.
Proposed two storey side extension & single storey rear extension at 72 Liverpool Road Hutton. Validated 6 January.
To replace existing three lane artificial cricket practice nets, with new two lane bays, rotate by 90* . Single storage garage to be re-sited and replaced with double storage garage on fixed concrete base at Penwortham Cricket Club Leyland Road. Validated 15 January.
Single storey side extensions at 4 Ratten Lane Hutton Preston. Validated Monday 4 January.
Full planning permission for a phased development comprising: the erection of a retail store (Use Class E) with associated access, car parking, electricity sub-station re-location, landscaping and servicing and delivery areas (Phase 1a); the erection of 117 dwellings (Use Class C3) and associated access off the Cross Borough Link Road and Factory Lane, car parking, public open space, landscaping, and associated engineering and infrastructure works (Phase 1b); and Outline planning permission, with all matters reserved except for access, for a phased residential development comprising the erection of up to 184 dwellings (Phases 2 & 3) at Former Vernon Carus Ltd Land At Penwortham Mills Factory Lane Penwortham. Validated 8 December 2020.
Two storey side and rear extension, existing eaves level raised at Dale End Preston New Road Mellor Brook Blackburn. Validated 29 December 2020.
Proposed single storey rear extension at Newlands Gill Lane Longton Preston. Validated 15 December 2020.
Conversion of first floor function room to form 2 No. 1 bed flats at Sir Robert Peel Victoria Road Walton-Le-Dale. Validated 7 January.
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