Below are the planning applications registered with Preston City Council between January 8 and January 15.
To see more applications in Preston or where you live, follow this link.
Single storey rear extension, rear canopy and raising of external land levels to provide level access at Shorrocks Farm, Green Lane, Catforth. Validated 6 January.
Hybrid Planning Application comprising of: 1) Outline planning application for up to 195 no. dwellings seeking approval for access from Bartle Lane only (all other matters reserved); and full planning application for 56 no. dwellings (Phase 1) at the land south of Bartle Lane, Lower Bartle. Validated 12 January.
Erection of four storey residential education, training and leisure facility with ancillary retail and café, creation of compound with portal frame workshop building, creation of sports pitches, siting of security lodge and associated development following the demolition of existing buildings on site at Trax Motor Sport, Wallend Road. Validated 15 December 2020.
37 no. dwellings with landscaping, associated works and access from Preston Road at the land adjacent to 329 Preston Road, Grimsargh. Validated 4 January.
Extension and conversion of existing garage and single storey link extension to the side and rear of dwelling at 14, Fell View, Preston. Validated 8 January.
Single storey rear extension, and new window to rear of property at 25, Deepdale Road, Preston. Validated 15 January.
Replacement of existing timber entrance porch windows and doors to anthracite grey UPVC, replacement of front elevation white UPVC windows with anthracite grey UPVC windows, installation of 2no. uplighters/downlighters to front elevation and painting of render at Burnaby Villa, 48, Watling Street Road. Validated 8 January.
1 no. non-illuminated sign at Burnaby Villa, 48, Watling Street Road. Validated 4 January.
30 no. dwellings and conversion of existing building to 8no. apartments (pursuant to 06/2017/1104 to seek variation to condition no.1 (Approved Plans) and remove condition no.6 (Refuse Facilities for the apartments)) at Park House, 472, Garstang Road. Validated 23 December 2020.
4 no. dwellings and associated works at Bartle Hall, Lea Lane. Validated 4 January.
Change of use of barber shop (Class E) to drinking establishment (Sue generis) and new shop front at 66 Friargate. Validated 12 January.
3 no. dwellings and associated works at Bartle Hall, Lea Lane. Validated 8 January.
Change of use of agricultural land to form extension to caravan park for 30no. pitches and associated works, including erection of new shower block at Brylea Caravan Park, Lea Lane. Validated 24 December 2020.
Discharge of conditions no.17 (Landscaping and Public Realm Works), no.22 (Construction Method Statement for Protection of Habitats) and no.27 (Water Features and Ponds and Conservation Plan) attached to planning permission 06/2016/0046 at Sidgreaves Lane, Lea Road and Lancaster Canal – Cottam Hall, Lea, Preston. Validated 24 December 2020.
Two storey extension and first floor extensions to front/side, single storey rear extension with balcony and detached outbuilding with accommodation in roof space following demolition of existing garage/link, rear conservatory and detached garage at 46 Woodplumpton Lane. Validated 12 January.
Single storey timber cladded side extension with balcony above, single storey rear porch and entrance canopy to side at Hunters Lodge, Mellings Fold. Validated 29 December 2020.
Prior notification submission for demolition of 1no. building at Gafoor Poultry, Swan Street, Preston. Validated 12 January.
Single and two storey side extension following demolition of existing utility room, single storey and two storey rear extension, rear dormer, front roof lights and replacement windows to front, side and rear at 29 Victoria Road, Preston. Validated 12 January.
Single storey side extension following demolition of garage at 7 Aldfield Avenue. Validated 30 December 2020.
Two storey side and single storey rear extension following demolition of existing utility room at 23 Moorcroft Crescent. Validated 31 December 2020.
Part two storey/part single storey side and rear extensions following demolition of existing garage and store at 14 Callon Street. Validated 4 January.
Certificate of lawfulness for existing use as a House in Multiple Occupation (Class C4) at 71 Waterloo Terrace. Validated 8 January.
Discharge of conditions no.9 (Noise Survey) and no.10 (Construction and Environmental Management Plan) attached to planning permission 06/2019/0499 at Sports Hall, 10-16, Garden Street, Preston. Validated 7 January.
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