
People arriving in Lancashire from tier-4 areas are being urged to get a coronavirus test

Posted on - 22nd December, 2020 - 1:40pm | Author - | Posted in - Fylde News, Health, Politics, Preston buildings & attractions, Preston Council, Preston News, Ribble Valley News, South Ribble News, Wyre News
Preston's coronavirus test centre in Vernon Street close to the UCLan campus Pic: Tony Worrall
Preston’s coronavirus test centre in Vernon Street close to the UCLan campus Pic: Tony Worrall

People in Lancashire who have travelled from tier-4, or mixed with people from those areas are being encouraged to get a test.

Due to the new coronavirus strain spreading more easily people that have travelled from London and the south east may spread it.

Angie Ridgwell, chair of the Lancashire Resilience Forum (LRF) said: “If you have travelled from a tier-4 area, or recently mixed with someone from those areas, the last thing you’d want this Christmas is to put your family and friends at risk so please be extremely cautious.

“If you have any concerns at all that you may have coronavirus you should book a test.”

Read more:Public health chief says new coronavirus variant is likely to already be in Lancashire

The LRF is also advising that anyone who has travelled from tier-4 or who lives with someone who has should keep any contacts with people outside their household to an absolute minimum.

Angie added: “You must think carefully about all of the risks and only form a bubble on Christmas Day if you absolutely need to.

“Wherever possible choose alternatives to meeting in person. We know that this has been a difficult year, and people want to spend time with their loved ones, but mixing with others is incredibly risky.

“Everyone can minimise their chances of catching Covid, including the new strain, by fully sticking to the guidance.”

Read more: Majority of areas in Preston and South Ribble have seen increases in coronavirus cases in the past week

The LRF are urging people to keep at least two metres away from people you don’t live with, wear a face covering, wash your hands frequently and stay in well-ventilated places.

They are also asking people to open the windows for at least 15 to 20 minutes every hour.

See the latest coronavirus cases and information near you

You can book a test through, call 119 or use the government’s NHS Covid app.

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