
Tier-three measures for Preston move closer as coronavirus infections rise further

Posted on - 14th October, 2020 - 8:43pm | Author - | Posted in - Health, Politics, Preston News
The entrance to the Vernon Street coronavirus testing centre Pic: Blog Preston
Entrance to Preston’s coronavirus testing centre Pic: Blog Preston

Preston stands on the edge of going into tier-three lockdown measures as coronavirus infection rates remain high.

Whitehall, County Hall, and the district and unitary town halls across Lancashire are locked in negotiations.

Update: Health secretary Matt Hancock said on Thursday morning ‘no decision had been reached’ regarding Lancashire’s alert level

The government is understood to be pushing for more areas to accept support measures and move into the upgraded restrictions – which would see Preston, and other areas of Lancashire, classed as ‘very high’.

From Wednesday (14 October) the city moved into tier-two regulations, which sees households mixing indoors banned but allows mixing in private gardens and outdoor spaces in line with the rule of six.

Tougher restrictions in the ‘very high’ tier include shutting pubs and bars, establishments serving ‘substantial meals’ are allowed to remain open.

Households mixing in private gardens or outdoor hospitality venues would be banned and residents would be advised not to travel outside the area, other than for work or educational purposes.

Leader of Lancashire County Council, councillor Geoff Driver, told BBC Breakfast during Wednesday morning that further restrictions were ‘inevitable’.

Read more: What’s being said about Lancashire facing tier-three lockdown restrictions

However, the county’s director of public health Dr Sakthi Karunanithi, has said the upgraded restrictions are unlikely to be enough to drive down the spread of the virus. East Lancashire’s public health directors have also echoed Dr Sakthi’s comments.

LancsLive is reporting health secretary Matt Hancock is understood to be making an update to the House of Commons during Thursday (15 October) about the current three-tiers situation.

Read more: Leader of Preston City Council joins calls for ‘national circuit breaker’ lockdown

96 new Covid-19 cases were recorded in Preston during Wednesday (14 October), the second-highest increase in Lancashire – second only to West Lancashire which saw 103 new cases.

South Ribble had 57 new cases recorded.

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Preston’s infection rate is now 347.2 cases per 100,000 people, for the seven days to October 10. This is up from 319.3 per 100,000 people for the seven days to October 3.

Read more: See the latest Preston news and headlines

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