
Preston rapper and support worker releases new lockdown music

Posted on - 17th September, 2020 - 7:00pm | Author - | Posted in - Arts & Culture, Music, People, Preston News, What's On in Preston
Liam Blake (also known as BLKY).
Liam Blake (also known as BLKY).

Liam Blake (known as BLKY), rapper and support worker at Soundskills in Brookfield used lockdown to produce new music.

Liam’s new song King’s Anthem is based on two-time heavyweight champion Tyson Fury who he ‘connects deeply’ with.

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Liam said: “Tyson does a lot of work with mental health and is very open about his experiences, which is something that I connect with deeply.

“Over the years I have watched him go from prospect to champ to 27 stone and drug dependant unable to compete, to pulling himself up by his bootstrap and become a two time heavyweight champion.

“It was very inspiring for me as Tyson is local always shouting out his home, Morecambe to see how far he has come and what he has managed to accomplish is phenomenal, so i decided to try and capture that with this song.”

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Soundskills where Liam works is a creative arts centre based in Brookfield, which opened in 2002.

Liam Blake (also known as BLKY).
Liam Blake (also known as BLKY).

It is equipped with a recording studio, activity room, mac suite, photography studio and a newly refurbished ‘back yard’ outdoor space.

They are able to offer a range of arts and pastoral services as well as host a range of self help groups.

You can listen to Liam’s music here.

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