Two classes at Sherwood Primary School have been asked to stay at home and self-isolate in light of a number of positive Covid-19 cases.
In a letter to parents and caregivers on Friday 18 September, headteacher Jodie Lumb said: “Today, we have now been advised of a small number of positive Covid-19 cases and following our robust procedures, children and staff from 6PW and 2AH have been asked to stay at home and self-isolate.”
It follows a letter dated Wednesday 16 September where the headteacher shared concerns about parents and caregivers not supporting the new staggered drop off and collection times.
She said: “We are working tirelessly to limit the number of contacts that your children are having in school and have been disappointed to see children from different bubbles and families congregating – even playing together on school grounds. This is very disappointing for our staff and other families.”
Read more: Fulwood Academy year group sent home after pupil tests positive for Covid-19
The Fulwood school says it has a detailed risk assessment in place to deal with the outbreak, and is following the plans carefully.
Read more: Partial closure for Longridge school after staff member tests positive for Covid-19
Remote learning will start from Monday 21 September for the pupils who are self-isolating from school due to the confirmed cases.
Read more: See the latest Preston news and headlines
Has your child’s school had any issues with Covid-19? Let us know in the comments.