
Preston men encouraged to prioritise mental health this Men’s Health Week

Posted on - 17th June, 2020 - 9:00pm | Author - | Posted in - Charities, Health, Preston News
Those needing help are being urged to call a mental health helpline Pic: David Goehring
Those needing help are being urged to call a mental health helpline Pic: David Goehring

Mental health charity Lancashire Mind is encouraging men in Preston and beyond to prioritise their mental health this Men’s Health Week.

In England around one in eight men have a common mental health problem and suicide represents the largest cause of death for men under 50. Approximately 75 per cent of suicides are men, meaning male suicide rates are on average three times higher than female rates.  

The suicide rates among men in Lancashire is significantly higher than the national average, at 18.2 per cent compared to 14.9 per cent for the country as a whole.

Read more: How Preston organisations are being asked to help reduce male suicides

Tommy McIlravey, CEO at Lancashire Mind, said: “Traditionally men have found it harder to speak openly about their mental health. Some see it as a weakness when actually facing up to mental health issues is a great strength.”  

“The COVID-19 pandemic has and continues to have a negative impact on many people. Concerns about things such as health and finances are increasing, which in turn increase the risk of people developing a mental health condition. It can also make it harder to manage a pre-existing mental health condition. 

“This is why this year, more so than ever, we want to stand up for men across Lancashire and show that Lancashire Mind are here to support them, and that resources and help are available should they or anyone they know need it. 

“This week we are sharing our ‘How to have a conversation about mental health for men’ resource. We want to encourage men to have a conversation about mental health to break down the stigma and barriers surrounding it. We have many resources available on our website to help people start those conversations and I’d encourage everyone to have a look.”

Read more: Mental health helpline opens 24/7 to help Prestonians with impact of coronavirus

Lancashire Mind’s Facebook page is this week focusing on promoting the strength in talking and looking after your mental health. Blogs are being shared from male supporters and staff about their personal and professional experiences of mental health and wellbeing.

Read more: Proud Preston – how our city championed mental health support in 2019

For more information, visit the Lancashire Mind website.

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