A new housing development on the site of a former Preston pub has been approved.
Nearby residents have been left riled over the approval of the Sumners scheme with two apartment blocks, a community centre and shops due to be built on the site.
The Sumners was knocked down in Autumn 2018 and plans were tabled for a total of 87 flats in two four-storey buildings.
Preston City Council’s chief executive Adrian Phillips approved the plans under emergency powers because the city council’s planning committee is not sitting due to the coronavirus pandemic.
One nearby resident, who asked not to be named, said they were disappointed their objections to the scheme had been over-ruled.
He said: “Despite multiple objections from us as residents then this ridiculous building scheme has been approved.
“It will cause further congestion on the roads and disprut the lives of residents who’s rights to privacy and light have been ignored.”
The Sumners scheme will sit on the junction of Sir Tom Finney Way and Watling Street Road in Deepdale and Fulwood.
Six objections were received against the scheme and many had asked for the scheme to be reduced in height to a two storey development.
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The Watling Street Road resident told Blog Preston: “I think it is scandalous that a development such as this has been decided by a case officer and that no one has had the chance to attend a hearing. It has been swept in under the lockdown.”
Preston City Council’s planning department recommended the scheme for approval saying it ‘would not result in any unacceptable impacts upon highway safety, visual amenity, residential amenity.”
They also did not enforce a requirement for affordable housing to be included in the scheme as this would ‘affect the viability of the scheme’.
Lancashire County Council’s highways department did not object to the scheme.
Adrian Phillips, Chief Executive at Preston City Council, said: “In the current circumstances, it’s just not possible to hold meetings in the usual way, including Planning Committee. Written representations were made and taken into consideration by five members of the Committee before a decision was made.
“We are working towards holding virtual meetings of the Committee in June.”
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